Manage Incidents
View and manage all the incidents reported by your organization.
View Incidents
You can view the incident submissions made by you and the members of your organization in the listing page. Through this, you can track your submissions and monitor your progress.
To view incident submissions, go to Main Menu > Incident Reporting, and use the following information:
The incident submission list displays the following information:
Title: Title of the incident.
Status: Status of the submitted incident. The security response team configures the status you view here.
Incident ID: Unique ID of the incident.
Reported on: Date and time the incident was submitted.
Reported by: Name of the member who submitted the incident.
Revisions: Number of revisions added to the incident.
You can filter the results by Status, Reported By, and Reported On. Additionally, you can directly enter your query in the search bar to filter the result.
To view the details of a specific incident, click the incident report. You can view incident details like incident ID, submitter details, and more. Additionally, you can review the incident reporting activity, including revision reports, and add comments to the incident.
Add Revision
After reporting an incident, you can add more details or update existing information by adding a revision.
When you add a revision, you are not updating the main report directly but rather adding a revision report to the original reported incident.
To add a revision report, follow these steps:
Go to Main Menu > Incident Reporting.
To add a revision from the listing page, hover over the incident, click the vertical ellipsis, and click Add Revision. Alternatively, you can click the incident and click Revise Report to add the revision.
You cannot add revisions to a closed incident.
Update the details and click Submit.
You can view the updated timeline in the Incident Reporting Activity, which shows the date, time, and user who revised the report.
Add Comments
After submitting your incident report, you can communicate with the security response team through comments. This allows you to ask questions or clarify details, enhancing collaboration.
To add a comment, select the incident report you want to update from the list, then enter your comment in Comments. You can also view the comments provided by the security response team here.