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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Deployment Procedure

Review the Prerequisitesbefore you start the deployment. The steps to deploy the Collaborate application are:

Download Installer Package

To download the latest version of the Collaborate installer package, run the following command:



To download a previous version of the Collaborate installer package, contact the Cyware team for the download URL.

Extract Installer Package

To extract the Collaborate installer package, run the following command:


After extracting the installer package, run the following command to go to the Collaborate installer folder to proceed with the deployment:

cd csap-installer
Update Hosts File

The hosts file includes the IP addresses of the servers on which you want to deploy the Collaborate application and database services. In a one-tier deployment architecture, enter the same server IP address in the swarm_managers and swarm_workers variables. To deploy the services in different servers, you can enter the IP addresses of the servers in the hosts file.

To update the hosts file, do the following:

  1. Run the following command to open the hosts file:

    sudo vi vars/csap/hosts
  2. Update the host variables.

  3. Save and exit.

Update Vars File

The vars.yml file includes variables, such as base path, database passwords, and endpoints, that are needed for the Collaborate application and database services.

To update the vars.yml file, do the following:

  1. Run the following command to open the vars.yml file:

    sudo vi vars/csap/vars.yml
  2. Update the respective values, such as base and log paths, database URLs and passwords, and more.

  3. Save and exit.

Install Docker and Set up Cluster

The Collaborate application and database services run as Docker containers. You must install Docker on all servers where you want to deploy the Collaborate services.

To install Docker on all servers, do the following on the installer server:

  1. Run the following command to download the Docker dependencies:

    yum install
  2. Run the following command to install Docker and set up the cluster:

    ansible-playbook -i vars/csap/hosts run-setup.yml -e"client=csap" -u <ssh-user>
 root@ip-10-xx-xx-20 csap-installer]# ansible-playbook -i vars/csap/hosts run-setup.yml -e"client=csap" -u cent

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [setup/docker : Start AWS CSOL deployment] ********************************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [setup/docker : Add the cyware docker repo] *******************************
skipping: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [setup/docker : Add the cyware docker 8 repo] *****************************
skipping: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [setup/docker : create docker directory if they don't exist] **************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/docker)

TASK [setup/docker : Install the docker in the rhel/centos server] *************
skipping: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [setup/docker : Install the docker in the aws server] *********************
 changed: [10.xx.xx.20]
 TASK [setup/docker : Install python2 package] **********************************
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [setup/docker-network : Create overlay network] ***************************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
10.xx.xx.20                 : ok=33   changed=21   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=4
Deploy Database Stack

To deploy the Collaborate database stack, run the following command on the installer server:

ansible-playbook -i vars/csap/hosts deploy-db-stack.yml -e"client=csap" -u <ssh-user>
Deploy Collaborate Application Stack

To deploy the Collaborate application stack, run the following command on the installer server:

ansible-playbook -i vars/csap/hosts deploy-csap.yml -e"client=csap" -u <ssh-user>
 root@ip-10-xx-xx-20 csap-installer]# ansible-playbook -i vars/csap/hosts deploy-csap.yml -e"client=csap" -u centos

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Change ansible python interpreter to python3] *******
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : create directory if they don't exist] ***************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/conf)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/data)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/logs/csap)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/logs/webapp)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/logs/dashboard)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/logs/celery-beat)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/logs/celery-notification)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/logs/celery-worker)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/shared_apps)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/fusionexport/data)
changed: [10.xx.xx.20] => (item=/apps/cyware/configs)

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Change ansible python interpreter to python2] *******
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Copy config.yaml] ***********************************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Copy csap.env] **************************************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Copy csap stack file] *******************************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Change ansible python interpreter to python3] *******
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Remove CSAP stack] **********************************
21:47:22  changed: [10.xx.xx.2
TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Deploy csap stack from a compose file] **************
changed: [10.xx.xx.20]

TASK [deploy/deploy-csap : Wait for services to become healthy] ****************
Pausing for 90 seconds
(ctrl+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl+C then 'A' = abort)
ok: [10.xx.xx.20]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
10.xx.xx.20                 : ok=18   changed=12   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=1