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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Disable SAML Authentication from CLI

Single sign-on (SSO) is a method for authenticating users where a single set of credentials can be used to log into several different applications. SAML is an XML-based protocol used for exchanging, authenticating and authorizing data between applications. You can enable or disable SAML authentication for CSAP in the CSAP Analyst Portal. This topic provides information about disabling SAML authentication from the command line-interface (CLI).

Before you Start

Make sure you have SSH access to the CSAP backend server.


To access the CSAP backend server through SSH, you must enable port 22.


To disable SAML authentication for the CSAP Analyst Portal from CLI, do the following:

  1. Run the following command to get the CSAP backend Docker container ID:

    docker container ls  | grep 'csap_backend' | awk '{print $1}'
  2. To access the CSAP backend container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container_id> bash
  3. After accessing the backend container, run the following commands:

    source /apps/cyware/csap/.env; export $(cut -d= -f1 /apps/cyware/csap/.env);

    To change the current working directory:

    cd apiserver

    To launch the Python shell:

    python shell
  4. After you are inside the Python shell, run the following command to disable SAML:

    from core.models import Tenant
    t = Tenant.objects.first()
    t.dashboard_default_auth_type = "OTP"

    SAML authentication method is now disabled for CSAP Analyst Portal. Refresh the CSAP Analyst Portal login page to view the changes. Users can now sign in to the Analyst Portal using their username and password. If 2FA is enabled, then users will be able to sign in using OTP (one-time password) authentication instead.

You can enable SAML authentication in the CSAP Analyst Portal. For more information, see Manage Analyst Portal Authentication.