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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Update Doc Library Files

Update doc library files to edit or modify any required details.

Before you Start You need to have the View and Create/Update permissions to access the Doc Library. Permissions can only be assigned to a role.


  1. Navigate to Main Menu, and select Doc library.

  2. From the list, select a folder and then select a file, hover, and click Edit.

  3. Edit the details such as file name, description, tags, TLP, and more.

  4. Use the Active toggle to activate or deactivate the file in the doc library.

  5. Click Inherit Recipient Groups to include the recipient groups of the parent folder. All the recipient groups that are present in the parent folder are added to this file. You need not add recipient groups manually for files separately. All the members of the recipient groups will have access to these files.

  6. Click Update to save your changes.