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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Create Custom Roles

Users with the Root Admin role can create new roles in the Analyst Portal as required.

Before you Start 

You must have the View and Create/Update permissions for the Roles and Permissions module.


To create a custom role, do the following.

  1. Navigate to Management > User Management.

  2. Select Roles and Permissions and click Create Role.

  3. Enter a name for the role. For example, L1 Security Analyst

  4. SAML Group Name: To onboard new analyst users and authorize SAML-authenticated users for every login, you can map SAML IdP groups with Collaborate's user roles. If an exact match for the role is found, then the users are granted permissions within the application, as defined by the external identity provider (SAML user group) and Collaborate's access permissions. If no user roles are configured, the default user role from the SAML authentication configuration will be automatically assigned. To configure the group attribute and the default user role, see Configure SAML 2.0 as the Authentication Method.

    • Enter the SAML user group name. You can add multiple user groups as a comma-separated list. The SAML User Group field is pre-filled based on your user group's name. However, you can modify SAML group names to match your IdP group names.

      When you map multiple user groups to a user group in a Cyware application, the SAML assertion will check the group permissions in sequence from the start of the list and provide access based on the role group that first meets the mapping criteria.

  5. Select the permissions that you want to assign to the role. For example, you can assign View, Create, and Update permissions for the Category module.

  6. Set the role as Active. Inactive roles cannot be assigned to users.

  7. Click Create Role.