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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

View All Published IRs

The IR Repo consists of all the published IRs, either submitted by members and published by analysts or created by analysts. As a member, you can do the following in the IR Repo:

  • View the list of published IRs and all the information associated with them. On the landing page, you can view the total number of IRs published. You can also view statistics in the form of widgets for the most-used or popular IR categories as well as the most followed IRs by members. Click Hide Widgets in the upper-right corner to close the widgets.


    Click the details in the widgets to know all the IRs and categories associated.

  • Use the filters to view IRs based on categories, TLP, priority, type, my priority, and more. You can also view the list in ascending or descending order of category, type, TLP, and popularity.

  • Use the Status filter to view IRs that are published or closed.

  • Click the IR to view the complete details of the IR. Additionally, you can click Follow to follow the IR. After following an IR, you can view all alerts that are associated with the IR based on tags. In the IR details, you can also view the alerts that match the IR.

    If you have enabled the Daily IR Report in Profile Settings > Email Subscriptions, you will receive a daily report of alerts matched with the IRs you follow. The email time is based on the configuration in the Analyst Portal.

Manage IRs

As a member, you can perform multiple actions such as following, unfollowing, deleting IRs, and setting IR priority. Use the following information while managing IRs: 

  • To follow or unfollow multiple IRs simultaneously in IR Repo or My IRs, select the IRs and click Follow IR or Unfollow IR respectively. You can only follow and unfollow published IRs.

  • To set your personal priority, click on the IR and choose a priority from the My Priority dropdown. This priority is different from the Priority field. For more information, see Intelligence Requirements.

  • To delete multiple IRs simultaneously from My IRs, select the IRs, and click Delete. You can only delete draft IRs.


    You can select up to 50 IRs simultaneously for bulk actioning.