Use the Finish section to configure preferences for publishing the alert.
Before you Start
Add required information such as title, description, TLP, and category.
Add recipients to the alert.
Alert publishers may encounter a speed bump that requires verification through authentication, and a confirmation pop-up before publishing the alert. To configure the authentication method, see Speedbump.
To finish the alert creation, do the following:
In the alert creation form, click Finish. Except for Share alert with communities, all other sections are minimized. Click each section to add details to the alert. Use the following information to complete the alert creation:
Tag Groups (optional): Enter tag group names to view and select suggestions for tag groups. Tag groups are created in the Tag Library. For more information, see Create a Tag Group.
Tags (optional): Enter tag names to add tags to the alert. You can add existing tags or create new ones. For more information, see Add Tags to Alerts.
Share alert with communities (optional): Select the communities you want to share the alert with. For more information, see Share Alert with Communities.
Add a conference call dial-in to the alert (optional): Choose a conference call number from the directory, or include conference call URLs in the alert. For more information, see Add Conference Call to Alert .
Post the alert to other applications (optional): Choose other applications you want to share the alert with. You can post alerts to CTIX, MISP, and other applications. For more information, see Post Alert to Other Applications.
If you post the alert to Intel Exchange, some indicator types such as SHA-224, SHA-384, ssdeep, file path, Windows registry key, autonomous system, directory, and MAC addresses may not ingest correctly. Upgrading to Intel Exchange v3.6.2.1 will ensure proper handling of these indicators.
Add special handling instructions in the email footer (optional): Turn on the toggle for the special handling instructions you want for the alert. For more information, see Add Special Handling Instructions.
Additional Options (optional): Choose when to schedule alert publishing, expiry, and other options. For more information, see Schedule Alerts and Configure Additional Options.
Publishers (optional): Select the publishers to who the alert is submitted for review. Publishers review alerts and publish them to the recipients. The list of publishers displayed depends on the category selected for the alert. Publishers can only review alerts based on the categories assigned to their role. After the alert is published, you can view the publisher names in Other Details of the alert.
After adding details, click Preview & Publish. The alert is published and sent to the recipients of your choice. If you only have creator permissions, you have to submit the alert to a publisher for review. Click Submit to Publisher. If you are a publisher, see Publish Alerts.