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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Manage Actions

Actions are tasks assigned to you, as a member, based on threat insights shared in the alerts or as a course of normal security measures. Actions have a due date, Open or Closed status, and need to be tracked to completion.

Recommended actions are suggestions or recommendations that you can suggest to other members. Recommended actions do not have a status or a due date. Recommended actions can be converted to actions if you want to track them to completion.

You can create actions or recommended actions in the following ways:

  • Analysts can create actions and assign them to you while creating alerts from the Analyst Portal. For more information, see Recommend Actions to Members.

  • You can create actions either independently or from alerts received and assign them to yourself or other members of the Member Portal. For more information, see Create a New Action.

  • You can also create recommendations or suggestions. See Create Recommended Actions.