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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Intelligence Requirements

If an analyst updates the priority, for example, from Medium to High, and publishes the IR, the updated priority (High) will appear for all members in the IR Repo. However, for you, the submitter, the My Priority field will display the priority you selected during submission (Medium). For all other members, the My Priority field will remain None.

The Priority and My Priority fields track priorities in the following ways:

  • Priority: This is the priority of the IR that is visible to everyone in the IR Repo after it is approved and published by an analyst. The submitter initially sets it during submission but it can be updated by the analyst before publishing.

  • My Priority: This is a field you set for yourself as a member. If you submit the IR, it reflects the priority you selected, even if the final Priority changes. If you did not submit the IR, the field remains None by default, but you can update it to your preferred priority.