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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform


To start an alert-based discussion, perform the following steps:

  • In the Member Portal, click Start in the lower-right corner.

  • Select the recipient groups with whom you want to start the alert-based discussion. The Messenger module opens, displaying the alert topic.

All members in the selected recipient groups will be part of the alert-based discussion. You can also access the discussion for each alert in the Alerts section of the Messenger.


The Discussion button is not available to Members belonging to recipient groups that do not have the messenger feature enabled.

If an alert is expired by analysts in the Analyst Portal, it may no longer be available for discussions on Messenger. To verify whether the alert was archived, click Filters, and select Archived. If the alert is present in this section, you cannot view previous discussions or initiate a new discussion for it.

If the alert is not archived and is still unavailable for alert-based discussion on Messenger, contact your Collaborate administrator for assistance.

To start a discussion based on a topic, perform the following steps:


Only members belonging to the specified recipient group can be part of the topic discussion.

  1. In the Messenger module, click the Topics tab and then click New Discussion.

  2. Enter the topic name and description. You can select a custom group or a recipient group for this topic-based discussion. A custom group is created by members as a part of group-based discussions. For more information, see Messenger.

  3. After you add the details, click Create. The topic is created and is now available for discussion with the selected group.

Yes, the CSAP Member Portal allows you to initiate one-on-one discussions with other members. To initiate a direct discussion, do the following:

  1. In the Messenger, click the Direct tab and then click New Conversation.

  2. Type your query or name into the search bar and select the user with which you want to initiate a discussion.

You cannot initiate direct discussion with members who do not belong to the recipient groups that are assigned to you. However, this preference can be modified by a CSAP Analyst portal Admin to enable direct messaging with all members.


If one of the CSAP Members has chosen to hide their details in the member directory, then other members cannot initiate a direct discussion with that member.

You can see the four discussion types (Alert, Topic, Group, and Direct) if those are enabled for you, based on the configuration in the Analyst Portal. Depending on this configuration, there may be instances where only one or specific discussion types are enabled.

You can create custom groups in Messenger while creating group-based discussions. These custom groups are also available while adding or editing a topic-based discussion. If you do not see the option to add or update a custom group, it means that group-based discussions are not enabled for you.