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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform


You can personalize your CSAP experience by selecting a theme for the CSAP Member Portal web application. You can choose from a list of default themes such as Persian Blue, Capri Sea, Dual Indigo, and Electric Violet, or apply a custom theme based on your organization's branding.

To modify the theme, do the following.

Modify Theme

You can select a theme from the available list or create a custom theme and use in for your CSAP Member Portal web application.

Before you Start

You must have the View and Update permissions for the Theme Settings feature.


To modify the theme, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Management > Settings > Theme Settings > Themes and click Edit.

  2. To use a default theme, click the Default Themes radio button and select one of the following themes.

    • Persian Blue

    • Capri Sea

    • Dual Indigo

    • Electric Violet

  3. To use a custom theme, click the Create Custom Theme radio button and then click Edit Custom Theme. A color picker dialog box opens, where you can select a specific color and shading for your theme. Alternatively, you can enter a hexadecimal color value into the text field.

  4. After finishing, click Save Theme.