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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Create a New Survey

Survey administrators can create customized surveys in CSAP to evaluate threats, vulnerabilities, malware, and more. They can include information in the surveys and publish them to members.


  1. Navigate to the Main Menu and select Survey.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter a Survey Title.

  4. Select a TLP to make sure that sensitive information is shared with the appropriate audience.

  5. Select the Publisher(s) name.

  6. Choose one or more Recipient Groups to send the survey to a selected group.

    1. Filter Recipient Groupset by TLP or Group Type.

    2. Choose the User Recipient Group(s) based on roles.

    3. Select IndividualUser Email(s) to enter the individual email addresses for the survey.

  7. You can also apply additional filters such as Location or Organization or Organization Type to narrow down the search results.

  8. Enter Tag(s) to alert members about security breaches, vulnerabilities, security strategies, and so on.

  9. Choose a Survey Close time to schedule a due date for the survey.

    1. Select the date and year.

    2. Click select time and modify the hour and minute.

    3. Click Now to close the survey after creating it and click Ok.

  10. Select Schedule this survey to be published on a specific date/time.

    1. Select the date and year.

    2. Click select time and modify the hour and minute.

    3. Click Now to close the survey after creating it and click Ok.

  11. Select App Push Notification to receive email notifications about the survey.

  12. Select Email Alert to send email notifications.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Select the question type: Single Select,Multi Select, or Text Box.

  15. Enter the survey question.

    1. For single-select or multi-select questions, you must include a minimum of 2 choices. You can have a maximum of 8 choices.

    2. For Textbox, you can type your question, and the respondent can type their answer in 1000 characters.

    3. Click Add Option to include choices and click Save.

  16. Click Add Question to include a new question in the survey.

  17. To make changes to the survey information click Previous.

  18. Click Save to save the changes.

    1. Click Save to save the changes.

    2. To submit the survey for review with the publisher, click Submit to Publisher.

    3. To review and make changes to the survey, click Save as Draft.

    4. To deactivate the survey draft, click Expire.