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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform


You will be presented with the Alerts module as the landing page as soon as you sign in to CSAP Member Portal. This is a default setting. The Alerts module displays a list of new Alerts that have been extracted directly from CSAP Analyst Portal. As mentioned earlier, this Alerts module can also be accessed via the left side menu.

You can change the layout of the Alerts module by clicking the Change Layouticon in the top-right corner. The following options are available:

  • Mailbox: Displays alerts in the format of emails, with a list of alerts on the left-hand side, and a view of the current selected alert and its associated information to the right.

  • Feed: Displays alerts as a continuous feed. Clicking an alert opens a dialog box, where you can view the alert and its associated information.

  • Card: Displays alerts as individual cards. Clicking an alert opens a dialog box, where you can view the alert and its associated information.

  • List: Displays alerts as a detailed list. Clicking an alert opens a dialog box, where you can view the alert and its associated information. You can choose how many alerts appear per page by clicking the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen. Available options include 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50alerts per page.

Once you have selected your preferred layout, click Switch Layout. The layout change is applied.