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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Member Profile Custom Fields

You can add custom fields and display extra information about members in their profiles as required. This also allows analysts to collect any information about your members, and save it to their profiles. You can create custom field types such as text boxes, multi select, single select, date, phone number, and other fields in Field Management.

Before you Start

You must have the View and Create/Update permissions for the Settings module.

Create a Custom Field

To create a custom field on the member profile, do the following.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Field Settings > Custom Fields > Member Profile

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter the name of the field. For example, Employee Designation.

  4. Enable Mandatory to make the field a mandatory parameter for members. Mandatory fields are visible under the primary details section, and non-mandatory fields show in the additional details section.

  5. Select a field type for your field. For example, Text. Text field allows users to enter text characters. Text Box uses a WYSIWYG editor and allows users to enter text characters.

  6. Activate the field using Active/Inactive and click Create.

    When the admin or the member admin adds a new member to CSAP, the custom field created for the member profile is shown in the User Details or Additional Details of the Add Member form. Mandatory fields will be visible under the respective sections or specifically, the user details section, and non-mandatory fields will be a part of the additional details section.

Edit Member Profile Custom Field

To edit a custom field, do the following.

  1. Hover over the field you want to modify and click Edit.

  2. Make required changes to the field name, mandatory or non-mandatory preference, and field type.

  3. Activate the field using Active/Inactive after making changes and click Update.

Search and Filter Member Profile Custom Fields

You can search and filter custom fields from the list. You can directly search using a keyword or filter by parameters such as field status (active, inactive) and field type.