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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Incident Reporting

Incidents are any event or occurrence that disrupts normal operations and compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an organization's networks, systems, and data. As a member, you can report incidents from the Collaborate Member Portal. 

How does it work? 

When your organization identifies a cyber incident, you can report it to the security response team for investigation. After reporting the incident, you can monitor its status throughout the lifecycle to track its progress. Additionally, you can update incident details by adding revisions and collaborate with the security response team through comments. This keeps you informed and actively involved in the incident lifecycle.


This feature must be enabled for you from the Analyst Portal. For further assistance, contact your administrator. 

Why is it important to report an incident? 

  • Reporting incidents promptly allows for early detection, enabling your organization to respond quickly to the incident before it causes significant damage.

  • Timely reporting provides important information for security analysis, aiding in understanding attack vectors, identifying compromised systems, and tracing their sources.

  • Incident reports identify vulnerabilities that were exploited, helping prioritize patching and remediation efforts to prevent similar incidents in the future.