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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Knowledge Base Settings

The Analyst Portal consists of a dedicated Knowledge Base (KB) that allows you to access extensive material including various policies, guidelines, handbooks, and standard operating procedures for your organization. Knowledge Base articles are classified under various categories and sub-categories.

Create Knowledge Base Category

You can create Knowledge Base categories to group associated KB articles

Before you Start

You must have the View, Create, and Update permissions for the Knowledge Base settings.


To create a Knowledge Base category, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > Other Settings > Knowledge Base.

  2. Click Create.

    • Name: Enter the name for the new knowledge base category. For example, Policies.

    • (Optional) Sub-categories: To add a sub-category, click Sub-category. You can add up to 20 sub-categories for a KB category.

    • Turn on the Active toggle.

  3. Click Create. The category is now available while creating or updating KB articles in the Knowledge Base. For more information, see Create a Knowledge Base Article.


Only active knowledge base categories can be seen by users in the CSAP Member Portal. CSAP users can see active knowledge base categories while uploading documents to the knowledge base on the CSAP Analyst Portal.

Update Knowledge Base Category

You can modify details of existing knowledge base categories.

Before you Start

You must have the View and Create/Update permissions for the Knowledge Base Settings feature.


To update an existing knowledge base category, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > Other Settings > Knowledge Base.

  2. Hover over the category you want to edit, click the vertical ellipsis, and select Edit.


    Ensure you turn on the Active toggle to make the category available while creating or viewing KB articles.

  3. After making the required changes, click Update.

Search and Filter Knowledge Base Categories

You can search and filter categories from the list. You can directly search using a keyword or filter by parameters such as status (active, inactive).