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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Review IR Requests

As an analyst, you can review the IRs submitted by members and publish them to the IR Repo. Members can choose to follow published IRs if it is relevant to them. Use the following information while reviewing IR requests:

  • To view the list of IRs that are submitted for review, navigate to Intelligence Requirements > IR Requests from the sidebar.

  • You can use the filters to view IRs based on categories, TLP, priority (high, medium, and low), and type (GIR, PIR, SIR). Additionally, you can choose to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

  • Click the IR to review the details. You can update or overwrite relevant fields and publish the IR. After you publish the IR, it is available in IR Repo and members can choose to follow the IR.


    Verify all IR details before publishing because you cannot edit or delete a published IR.

  • In case the submitted IR is not relevant or does not need to be published, you can reject the IR by clicking Reject in the IR form. You can enter the rejection comment which is visible to the member who submitted the IR.