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Cyware Situational Awareness Platform

Share TDL Content

You can share content from the TDL repository with members. This shared content is accessible to members in the Shared Repo section of the Member Portal. You can share content with Published and Shared as Preview statuses from My Repo, and Analyst Repo. You can also share published content from the Member Repo.

You can also share TDL content in bulk with members. For more information, see Bulk Share TDL Content.

Before you Start 

Ensure you have View and Create permissions for Threat Defender Library in Roles & Permissions.


To share TDL content with members, follow these steps:

  1. Click Threat Defender Library on the sidebar.

  2. Select My Repo, Analyst Repo, or Member Repo, and click the content you want to share with members. You can share content that has the Shared as Preview, Under Analyst Review, and Published status with members.

  3. Hover over the content from the list, and click Share.

    Alternatively, you can click the content to view the content details. Click the vertical ellipses, and select Share to share the content with members. Use the following information to add recipients to the content:

    • By Group Set: Select a group set to add the associated recipient groups. Group sets allow the association of multiple recipient groups as a collection. To create a group set, see Create Groupsets for Recipient Groups.

    • By Traffic Light Protocol (TLP): Select a TLP value to add the associated recipient groups. Recipient groups in CSAP are associated with a TLP classification to ensure that the alert information is rightly shared with the intended recipients.

    • By Group Type: Select a type to add the associated recipient groups. There are three types of recipient groups namely Public Groups, Invite-only Groups, and System Groups. See Recipient Group.

    • You can select individual recipients to the content using Select Individual Recipients.

  4. Click Publish.


    When sharing content that has been published previously, the original publication timestamp remains unchanged. This means that members will not view this shared content as latest in the Shared Repo

Bulk Share TDL Content

As an analyst, you can simultaneously share multiple TDL content with members. Members can view this shared content in the Shared Repo section of the Member Portal.

Before you Start 

Ensure you have View and Create permissions for Threat Defender Library in Roles & Permissions.


To bulk share TDL content with members, follow these steps:

  1. Click Threat Defender Library on the sidebar.

  2. Select My Repo, Analyst Repo, or Member Repo. You can bulk share content that has Shared as Preview and Published statuses.

  3. Select the content using the checkbox. You can simultaneously select up to 20 items from the list.

  4. After selecting content, scroll to the top of the list and click Share. Use the following information to add recipients to the content:

    • By Group Set: Select a group set to add the associated recipient groups. Group sets allow the association of multiple recipient groups as a collection. To create a group set, see Create Groupsets for Recipient Groups.

    • By Traffic Light Protocol (TLP): Select a TLP value to add the associated recipient groups. Recipient groups in CSAP are associated with a TLP classification to ensure that the alert information is rightly shared with the intended recipients.

    • By Group Type: Select a type to add the associated recipient groups. There are three types of recipient groups namely Public Groups, Invite-only Groups, and System Groups. See Recipient Group.

    • You can select individual recipients to the content using Select Individual Recipients.

  5. Click Publish.


    When sharing content that has been published previously, the original publication timestamp remains unchanged. This means that members will not view this shared content as latest in the Shared Repo.

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