Manage TDL Content
Use the following information to know more about the supported options to manage TDL content. Hover over the content to view the following options:
View: View TDL content details by either clicking View or by directly clicking the content from the list.
Edit: Edit the TDL content you have created which has the Draft or Shared as Preview statuses.
Clone: Create an editable copy of already existing TDL content. This helps you create content based on existing information.
Share: Share TDL content with recipient groups and individual recipients.
Expire: Expire content to make the content outdated. Expiring content does not permanently remove the TDL content from the library, but the content status is marked as Expired. Other analysts and members can still view and clone expired content in the library.
Delete: Delete content from the library. Deleting content permanently removes the TDL content from the library and is no longer accessible to analysts and members. You can only delete expired content that you have created.
Comments: View the declined comment for content that has been declined by analysts. Hover over the icon to view the reason provided by analysts for declining TDL content submitted for analyst or peer review.