Configure Conditional Logic of Field
After adding a field to a form, you can edit the field to update the field details and define its conditional logic. Using conditional logic, you can define rules to modify the behavior of a field, such as:
Show or hide the field
Make the field read-only
Display a specific set of options to choose from
What is a rule in conditional logic?
A rule includes an action and the conditions based on which the action is executed on the field. You can configure a maximum of two rules in the conditional logic of a field.
What is an action in a rule?
An action defines the behaviour of a field when the conditions of a rule are met. A rule supports the following types of actions:
Field: Select this option to define one of the following actions:
Show: The field appears only when the the conditions of a rule are met.
Hide: The field is hidden when the the conditions of a rule are met.
Read-Only: Users can view but cannot modify the field when the the conditions of a rule are met.
Field Values: Select this option and select the values to display when the the conditions of a rule are met.
What is a condition in a rule?
To execute the rule of a conditional logic, you can define the conditions based on the values of a controlling. You can add a maximum of three conditions in a rule and correlate them using a logical operator, such as All and Any. A condition includes the following components:
Controlling Field: The field based on which you want to define the condition to run the actions of a rule. You can use any field type from the field library of incident workflows as the controlling field.
Operator: A logical operator that correlates between the controlling field and the values. You can choose one of the following operators:
Contains: The condition is met when the selected field values include the values configured in the Controlling Field Values of the condition.
Does not contain: The condition is met when the selected field values do not include the values configured in the Controlling Field Values of the condition.
Controlling Field Values: The corresponding values of the controlling field.
To configure the conditional logic of a field, do the following:
Go to Admin Panel > Form Management and select a module.
On the form, select a field and click Edit.
Go to Conditional Logic and click + Rule.
Under Rule 1, select one of the following action types:
Field: Select this option and select an action to show or hide the field or to make the field read-only.
Field Values: Select this option and select the values to display when the the conditions of a rule are met.
Select one of the logical operators to correlate conditions:
All: To execute the rule when all the conditions are met.
Any: To execute the rule when any one of the conditions is met.
Under CONDITION 1, update the fields:
Select a controlling field from the Controlling Field drop-down list. You can use only single-select fields of the current form as the controlling fields.
Select an option from the Contains drop-down list:
Contains: To execute the condition when the controlling field contains the values defined in Controlling Field - Value(s) drop-down list.
Does not contain: To execute the condition when the controlling field does not contain the values defined in Controlling Field - Value(s) drop-down list.
Select the values of the controlling field from the Controlling Field - Value(s) drop-down list.
To add more conditions, click + Condition.
To add more rules, click + Rule.
Click Save.