Release Notes 3.0.2
The new and enhanced version of our fusion and threat response platform, CFTR v3.0.2, comes with advanced capabilities to help your security teams effectively manage threat response.
New Features
Notify Clients about Incident Creation
Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) can send email notifications from CFTR to the clients about newly created incidents. Administrators can configure the following settings in the Admin Panel:
Configure the recipients for each client
Define SLAs for the email notifications
Configure email templates for each client

The following widgets are introduced in the dashboard widgets library to get insights into the notification SLAs:
Notification SLA Breached
Notification SLA About to Breach
Reduced SLA Time
The minimum gap between two consecutive SLA thresholds is reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. The reduced time enables the administrators to configure SLAs for high-priority incidents and actions that need faster resolution.
Customize Table Views
CFTR offers the flexibility to customize tables to reorder, resize, freeze, show or hide columns.