Threat Briefings
Threat briefing is an act of communicating users with advanced intelligence and investigative information about a threat and the resources assigned to an incident response process. You can use the threat briefings to:
Provide general information and instructions.
Help in reviewing the incident details.
Enhance the incident handling process.
Provide improvements for enhancements in the incident response process.
Create day-to-day tracking of SOC/IR operations, targeted attacks, and ongoing projects, and assign and update the status to Inactive.
To view the threat briefings added in Respond, go to Menu > Threat Briefings. On the threat briefings listing page, to manage the threat briefings, you can perform the following activities:
Search and filter threat briefings.
Reorder the threat briefings based on the ascending or descending order of the threat briefing titles.
Sort the threat briefings based on the following criteria:
Last Updated
Date Created
View activity logs of the threat briefings.
Export the threat briefings.
Refresh the threat briefing list to view the latest data. To refresh the threat briefings list, on the top-right corner, click More > Refresh.
View the threat briefing list in full-screen mode. To view the threat briefing list in full-screen mode, click More > Full Screen.
For more information on managing the threat briefing listing page, see Manage Module Listings.