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Cyware Fusion and Threat Response

Search and Filter

In the module listing page, you can use the search bar to search for an entry. You can also use the filters to narrow down the list as per your requirements. To apply filters, in a module listing page, click Filters and select the filters. You can use the predefined filters under Quick Filters or create custom filters. You can also filter the list based on various parameters of the modules, such as assigned user group, assigned user, created date, locations impacted, and more.


The list of filters differs based on the selected module configuration.


To search for a specific entry in a module listing page, enter the search text in the search bar and press Enter. The search is performed for the search text across the module and you can view the relevant list of entries.


You can search for entries using any field value of the module based on the forms configured by the administrator in Admin Panel > Form Management.

Quick Filters

In the component records listing pages, you can view a list of predefined filters under Quick Filters in the left pane. You can use the quick filters to view the relevant list of records. The list of quick filters is different for various components. Some of the common quick filters are:

  • All: View all the records of the component.

  • Active: View all records that are in Active state.

  • Following: View the records that you are following.

  • Mentioned: View the records in which your username is tagged in the notes of the records.

  • Open: View all the records that are in Open state.

  • Closed: View all the records that are in Closed state.

  • Assigned to Me: View the records that are assigned to you.

  • Unassigned: View all the records that are not assigned to any user.

  • Merged: View the merged incidents or actions.

  • In Progress View all the records that are in In Progress state.

Custom Filters

In addition to the quick filters, you can use the custom filters to narrow down the list of results. You can use the search bar to find a custom filter.


You can view the single-select and multi-select fields that are configured with Show in Filters option enabled under Filters. For more information, see Add New Field in Forms.

To apply the custom filters, follow these steps:

  1. On a component record listing page, click the search bar.

  2. From the Filters section, select the filter type. Various values of the selected filter type appear.

  3. Select a value, and then click Enter.

Saved Searches

You can save the custom filters to use later. To save the custom filters, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Menu and select a module.

  2. Click filter_icon.png, in the search bar, select the filters and values.

  3. Click the Save Filter icon, and click Save As.

  4. In the Title field, enter a unique title to save the query. You can enter up to 50 characters.

  5. In the Sharing Options, select one of the following:

    Public: This option allows all users to view and use the CQL query.

    Private: This option allows the CQL query to be only available to you.

    Custom: This option allows sharing the CQL query only with selected users or user groups.

  6. Click Save.

The CQL query is saved and appears under Saved Search. You can use the saved searches to apply the custom filters automatically.

Manage Saved Searches

You can perform the following activities to manage saved searches:

  • Mark as Default: To mark a saved search as default, hover over a saved search, and click Mark as Default. The default saved search is automatically applied when you go to the listing page of a module.

  • Edit: To edit a saved search, hover over the saved search, and click the vertical ellipses, and select Edit. You can update the title and sharing options of a saved search. Only the creator of the query can edit the saved CQL search. 

  • Delete: To delete a saved search, hover over the saved search, and click the vertical ellipses, and select Delete. Only the creator of the query can delete the saved search.