This topic provides some basic commands that are useful for troubleshooting issues during and after the deployment:
Manage Docker Swarm
Following are some basic Docker Swarm commands that are useful for troubleshooting issues:
To check the Docker Swarm Node status, run the following command. This command lists all the nodes of the Docker Swarm Manager.
docker node ls
Sample Output
ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS 41bcef6utixb0l0ca7gxuivsj0 swarm-worker2 Ready Active 538ciaotwjuritcdtn9npbnkuz swarm-worker1 Ready Active 6e216jshn25ckzbvmwlnh5jr3g * swarm-manager1 Ready Active Leader
The status for each node should be Ready. If the above command times out or throws any error, then you must set up the swarm cluster again.
To list all Docker services, run the following command. This command lists services are running in the swarm. The
column shows both the actual and desired number of tasks for the service. If the service is inreplicated-job
, it will additionally show the completion status of the job as completed tasks over total tasks the job will execute.docker service ls
Sample Output
ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 4c8wgl7q4ndfd frontend replicated 5/5 nginx:alpine 5dmu1ept4cxcf redis replicated 3/3 redis:3.0.6 6hh08h9uu8uwr job replicated-job 1/1 (3/5 completed) nginx:late
To check if containers are up and running, run the following command:
docker ps
If the actual and desired number of replicas for a service is not the same, run the following command to check for the cause:
docker service ps --no-trunc <service-name>
To check the Docker Overlay Network info, run the following command:
docker network ls
To check if the Docker systemd service is running, run the following command:
systemctl status docker
To check the Docker systemd logs, run the following command:
journalctl -u -f docker.service
To view Docker service-wise stats on the current server, run the following command:
docker stats
To restart the Docker service on the server, run the following command. This command restarts all services that run as Docker containers.
sudo systemctl restart docker
You must manually restart the services that do not run as Docker containers.
To update a service, run the following command:
docker service update <service_name> --force
To delete a stack, run the following command:
docker stack rm <stack_name>
To go inside the containers, run the following command:
docker exec -it $(docker ls -q- -f name=<service_name>) bash
To go inside a specific container, run the following command:
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
To redeploy a stack, run the following command:
docker stack deploy -c <compose-file-name> <stack_name>
View Application Logs
Following are some commands to view the application logs of various Respond services:
To view the backend application logs, run the following command:
cd /apps/cyware/logs/cftr_backend/application tail -f <>
To view the Celery beat logs, run the following command:
cd /apps/cyware/logs/celery-beat tail -f <>
To view the Celery notification logs, run the following command:
cd /apps/cyware/logs/celery-notification tail -f <>
To view the Celery worker logs, run the following command:
cd /apps/cyware/logs/celery-worker tail -f <>
To view the frontend logs, run the following command:
cd /apps/cyware/logs/cftr_frontend tail -f <>
View Datastore Logs (Docker Version)
Following are some commands to view the logs of the database services that are deployed as Docker containers.
To view the Elasticsearch logs, run the following command:
docker service logs -f db_elasticsearch
To view the Redis logs, run the following command:
docker service logs -f db_redis
To view the PostgreSQL logs, run the following command:
docker service logs -f db_postgres
To view the Object Storage logs, run the following command:
docker service logs -f db_object_storage
View Datastore Logs (Systemd Version)
Following are some commands to view the logs of the database services that are not deployed as Docker containers.
To view the PostgreSQL logs, run the following command:
To view the Redis logs, run the following command:
tail -f /var/log/redis/*.log
To view the Elasticsearch logs, run the following command:
tail -f /
Check Network Connectivity
Following are some commands to check the network connectivity.
To check the connectivity on a TCP port, run the following command:
To check the connectivity on a UDP port, run the following command:
nc -vz -u <HOSTNAME/IP> <PORT>
Manage Proxy Settings
Following are some commands to manage proxy settings.
To view the current proxy settings, run the following command:
printenv|grep proxy
To add proxy settings to the current session, run the following command:
export http_proxy=<PROXY> export https_proxy=<PROXY> export no_proxy=<IPs,HOSTNAMES>
To add proxy settings for a user, open the
file and add the following lines:export http_proxy=<PROXY> export https_proxy=<PROXY> export no_proxy=<IPs,HOSTNAMES>
You must sign in again to apply the proxy settings.
To add global proxy settings, open the
file and add the following lines:http_proxy=<PROXY> https_proxy=<PROXY> no_proxy=<IPs,HOSTNAMES>
To add proxy settings for the Docker systemd service, open the
file and add the following lines:[Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=<PROXY>" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=<PROXY>"
You must restart Docker to apply the proxy settings. To restart the Docker services, run the following command:
systemctl restart docker
General Troubleshooting Commands
Following are some commands to view the system uptime and system-level logs.
To view the uptime of the system, run the following command:
Sample Output
9:49 up 3 days, 18:56, 2 users, load averages: 2.34 2.97 4.65
To view the system-level logs for reboot and more, run the following command:
tail -f /var/log/messages
View Nginx Logs
If Nginx is installed, run the following command to view the Nginx reverse proxy logs -
tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log