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Cyware Orchestrate

View Audit Logs

Audit logs enable administrators to track platform-related user activities using activity logs and API request logs. Activity logs are human-readable logs that provide a summary of the platform's activities. API request logs are developer-friendly logs that are used to track the interactions with the platform APIs.


Ensure that your user group has View Audit Logs permission.

Activity Logs

Activity logs help administrators track platform-related user activities. Activity logs capture the logs from the playbook, app instance, user login and logout activities.

You can view the following information in the activity logs:

  • The user who performed the activity. 

  • Date and time when the activity was performed.

  • Which activity was performed by the user such as update, and delete including the previous and current values of the updated data. You can view the node number in which the activity was performed. You can also view the user's login and logout activities along with the IP address.

API Request Logs

API request logs provide the following information:

  • API requests across the Orchestrate platform

  • Open API requests sent to a Orchestrate instance

Administrators can use API request logs to analyze and gather insights into the API requests.

You can view the following details of the API requests:

  • API Request: Displays the API endpoint. For example, /playbook/playbook-result/

  • IP Address: Displays the IP address of the device where the API is executed. For example, 182.x1.170.1x4

  • Request Method: Displays the API request method. For example, GET

  • Response Status: Displays the response status of the API request. Some of the common response statuses are:

    • 200: Success

    • 404: Not found

    • 401: Unauthorized

    • 500: Internal server error

  • User: Displays the username of the user that has executed the API. For example,john.doe

  • Run On: Displays the date and time when the API is requested. For example, January 20, 2022, 01:07:01 pm

Manage API Request Logs 

You can perform the following activities to manage API request logs:

  • You can search the API request logs by API request or IP address.

  • You can filter API request logs by one or more of the following criteria:

    • Modules: Filter the logs by the activities in modules such as apps, persistent list, run logs, playbooks, logout, and login.

    • User: Filter the logs by the users that have performed the activity.

    • Run On: Filter the logs by the time of the activity execution such as last day, last week, last month, last year, and custom date range.

    • Request Method: Filter the logs by the request method such as GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE.

    • Response Status: Filter the logs by the response status such as 200 OK, 201 CREATED, and more.

  • To save a filter, click Save Filter and select Create New or Overwrite Existing as required. Enter a title and click Save.

  • To clear the applied filter, click Reset.