My Profile
My Profile provides you with a holistic view of your personal information on the platform. My Profile also enables you to manage profile details, configure notification preferences, view the associated user groups, and configure the date and time settings.
You can view your basic details, such as invited on, the date of your last password update, your last login IP address, and the last used device OS. You can also view the following details:
Basic Details:
User Groups: Displays your associated user groups as configured by the administrator in User Management.
Time Zone, Date Format, Time Format: By default, the application displays the time zone, date, and time formats configured by the administrator for all users. You can configure your preferred time zone, date, and time formats in Date and Time Settings and override the administrator-configured settings. For more information, see Date and Time Settings.
Joined: Displays the date on which you joined the application.
Notification Settings: Configure the web app, email, and mobile app notification settings for different notification types. For more information, see Notification Settings.
To sign out of the Orchestrate application, in the top-right corner, click the profile icon > Logout.
Default Workspace
You can set a default workspace to ensure it displays whenever you access Orchestrate. This setting is user-specific and applies only to your account. Both administrators and analysts can configure their default workspace.
To set a workspace as the default, follow these steps:
Sign in to Orchestrate, and click your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
Click Profile Settings.
Click Edit.
In Default Workspace, select a workspace to set as the default.
Click Save.
Notification Settings
The application sends you notifications through the platform, email, and mobile app to inform you of important information and request you to respond to tasks. You can choose from the platforms and notification types that you prefer to receive notifications. For example, you can choose to receive an email notification when a webhook expires.
The following platforms are supported for notification delivery:
Web App: Sends notifications to the Orchestrate web application. Click Notifications on the top-right corner to view the notifications. For more information on web notifications, see Notifications.
Email: Sends email notifications to the admin email IDs added under Configuration > Configure Email IDs settings in the admin panel.
Mobile App: Sends notifications to the associated users who have configured the Cyware Enterprise mobile app. For more information on mobile notifications, see Mobile App User Guide.
You must integrate your Orchestrate instance with the Cyware Enterprise mobile app to receive notifications on the mobile app. To integrate the application with the mobile app, contact the Cyware Support team.
The following are the supported notification types:
Agent Connection Error
Approval for Playbook Execution
App Update
Inputs for Playbook Execution
Instance Expiration
Open API Expiration
Playbook Errors
Playbook System Errors
Playbook Updates
View Responded Actions
Webhook Expiration
To enable notification settings, follow these steps:
Sign in to Orchestrate, and click your profile picture on the top-right corner.
Click Profile Settings.
Click Edit.
Turn on a toggle to enable or disable a notification. You can click Enable All to enable all notifications across all the supported platforms.
Click Save.
Manage Profile
On My Profile, you can update your profile details and sign-in password.
Update Profile Details
To update your profile details, follow these steps:
On My Profile, in the top-right corner, click Profile Settings and select Edit.
Update your profile details:
First Name: Enter your first.
Last Name: Enter your last name.
Title: Enter your job title in your organization.
Username: Enter your username.
Email: Enter your email address.
Phone Number: Enter your phone number.
Click Save.
Update Password
To update the password of your Orchestrate account, follow these steps:
On My Profile, in the top-right corner, click More and select Change Password.
Update the fields:
Old Password: Enter your current password.
New Password: Enter a new password. The password should not contain your username, first name, last name, or email address.
The new password must contain at least eight characters and at least one from each of the following characters:
Uppercase alphabet
Lowercase alphabet
Confirm your new password: Re-enter the new password.
Click Update.
While entering the passwords, click the eye icon to view the entered password.
Date and Time Settings
By default, all the timestamps in the application are displayed in the time zone, date, and time formats as configured by the administrator. Users can update the date and time settings only if the administrator has enabled the option to override the settings configured by the administrator. If the administrator has disabled the users to override, then the administrator settings apply to all users.
To configure the date and time settings, follow these steps:
On the top app bar, click My Profile.
On the top-right corner, click More and select Date and Time Settings. By default, the date and time settings display the administrator-configured settings.
Update the following details:
Preferred Time Zone: Select one of the following time zone settings to reflect in the timestamps across the application:
Local Time Zone: Displays the timestamps as per your web browser's time zone.
Other Time Zones: Select a time zone to reflect in the timestamps across the application. For example, (UTC -08:00) America/Los_Angeles.
Date Format: Select a date format for the timestamps. For example, the dd/mm/yyyy format displays the date as 24/12/2022.
Time Format: Select a time format for the timestamps. For example, 24 Hours.
Click Update.
When the administrator updates the date and time settings, the changes are reflected in the date and time settings of all users except those who have overridden the administrator settings.