Test Playbook Instances
Once you have created the Playbook sequence, it is important to test the connectivity of the Playbook instance. You can test the connectivity of a single instance at a node level or all available instances simultaneously for a Playbook. Test Playbook instances to check for any changes or errors in the Playbook’s instance configuration before execution.
To test instances at the Playbook level:
Open a Playbook from the listing page.
In the View Playbook page, click the ellipses
and select Test Instances
The instance connectivity results are displayed under All, Success, Error, or Waiting categories depending on the status of instances after testing.
To test an instance at the Node level:
Open a Playbook from the listing page.
In the View Playbook page, double-click a node to view the node details.
In the Action Node view, scroll down to the app instances, select an instance(s) to execute this node and click the Test Instance icon
The status of the connectivity test is displayed along with the instance listing.Note: On hovering on the test instance icon, you can also view the last tested connectivity details for that instance, if available.
Click the Test instance icon to test the connectivity if needed.