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Cyware Orchestrate

Cyware Agent

Cyware Agent is a lightweight integrator that bridges the operational gap between the cloud applications and the on-premise deployed security solutions. You can have one or many agents deployed for your account.

The agents in Orchestrate are deployed on premise to perform actions in Orchestrate. Cyware agents execute orchestrations through the Action nodes in Playbooks and the executed actions are called Agent Tasks.

The prerequisites required to start the installation and configuration of Orchestrate Agent in your infrastructure are as follows:

  • Access to the Orchestrate platform to generate Open API credentials.

  • Installation of pip (Pip Installs Python) package and Python 3.6+ in the system.

The Orchestrate Agent is installed on-premise of the organization that uses the Orchestrate. The Agent facilitates orchestration with the cloud-based Cyware applications via outbound encrypted calls.

Yes, you can add a new Cyware agent instance to the existing instances of an app. This is done by enabling Agent instance in the app summary and adding the respective agent ID used in the platform.

From an on-premise environment, analysts can connect and perform security orchestration tasks on Orchestrate using Cyware agent. The tasks performed as part of this orchestration are called Cyware agent tasks and you can access these tasks from the main menu, under Cyware Agent Tasks.

No, you cannot combine normal and agent instances together during a node execution.

No, currently we do not support combining multiple agent instances together during a node execution. You can execute a Playbook node using only a single agent instance.

Yes, you can deactivate an agent ID, even though it is being linked to a Playbook/app/agent task. While deactivating an agent ID, you are prompted with a warning notification to confirm the deactivation process.

The Playbooks that use instances or apps with agent support are listed in Cyware Agent Tasks. You can view the Playbook execution details such as the input, output, and error information. To view a specific Playbook execution, go to Main Menu > Cyware Agent Tasks.

We can handle failovers by performing a seamless switchover to a backup agent when the primary Cyware Agent fails using High Availability. This ensures that the Cyware Agents' tasks are carried out uninterrupted.