Microsoft Entra ID
App Vendor: Microsoft
App Category: Network Security
Connector Version: 1.5.1
API version: 1.0.0
About App
Microsoft Entra ID, formerly known as Azure Active Directory, is Microsoft's enterprise cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) solution. This app allows admins to manage users and control their access to ensure that the intended users have the correct level of access to the right resources. This helps organizations manage their users and resources, and perform orchestration workflows to respond to potential threats and improve overall efficiency.
The Microsoft Entra ID app in the Orchestrate application performs the following actions:
Action | Description |
Get Particular Risky User | This action retrieves the details of a particularly risky user. |
List Risky Users | This action retrieves the list of all the risky users. |
Get Direct Reports of A User | This action retrieves the direct reports of a user. |
Assign Manager To A User | This action assigns a manager to a specific user. |
Fetch Manager of a User | This action retrieves the manager details of a user. |
List Owned Devices By A User | This action lists the devices owned by a user. |
Revoke Session of a User | This action revokes a session of a user. |
Fetch Newly Created Updated Deleted User | This action retrieves details of all the newly created, updated, and deleted users. |
Delete User | This action deletes a user. |
Update User | This action updates the details of a particular user. |
Get User Details | The action retrieves details of a particular user. |
List Users | The action retrieves the list of all the users. |
List Groups | This action lists the groups in an organization. |
Get Group Details | This action retrieves the properties and relationships of a group. |
List Group Members | This action retrieves a list of the group's direct members. |
Get Group Settings | This action retrieves the settings of a group. |
Update Group Settings | This action updates the settings of a group. |
Get Result From Next Link | This action retrieve the results from the next page link. |
Get Sign-in Details | This action retrieves the details of a sign-in using the audit logs API. |
List Sign-ins | This action retrieves a list of sign-ins using the audit logs API. |
Configuration Parameters
The following configuration parameters are required for the Microsoft Entra ID app to communicate with the Microsoft Entra ID enterprise application. The parameters can be configured by creating instances in the app.
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Tenant ID | Enter the tenant ID. | Text | Required | |
Client Secret | Enter the secret key of the client. | Password | Required | |
Client ID | Enter the GUID that was assigned to your client application during the registration, also known as an application ID. | Text | Required |
Action: Get Particular Risky User
The action retrieves the details of a specific risky user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to retrieve the details of the user identified as risky. Example: 018005a6-6592-4668-b879-acc2fb264160 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the user ID of the risky user using the action List Risky Users. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "018005a6-6592-4668-b879-acc2fb264160" } ]
Action: Get Direct Reports of a User
This action retrieves all the direct reports of a specified user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to retrieve direct reports of the user. Example: 018005a6-6592-4668-b879-acc2fb264160 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "018005a6-6592-4668-b879-acc2fb264160" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.@odata.context | String | The context URL for the OData metadata. Example: "$metadata#directoryObjects" |
app_instance.value | Array | A list of directory objects. Each object contains user details. |
app_instance.value.@odata.type | String | The type of directory object. Example: "#microsoft.graph.user" | | String | Unique identifier for the user. Example: "6ea91a8d-e32e-41a1-b7bd-d2d185eed0e0" |
app_instance.value.businessPhones | Array | List of business phone numbers for the user. |
app_instance.value.displayName | String | Display name of the user. Example: "Conf Room Adams" |
app_instance.value.givenName | String | Given name of the user. |
app_instance.value.jobTitle | String | Job title of the user. |
app_instance.value.mail | String | Email address of the user. Example: "" |
app_instance.value.mobilePhone | String | Mobile phone number of the user. |
app_instance.value.officeLocation | String | Office location of the user. |
app_instance.value.preferredLanguage | String | Preferred language of the user. |
app_instance.value.surname | String | Surname of the user. |
app_instance.value.userPrincipalName | String | User Principal Name (UPN) of the user. Example: "" |
Action: List Risky Users
This action retrieves the list of all risky users.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Filters | Enter the filters to retrieve the list of users identified as risky. Example: filter=startsWith(displayName,'J') | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "filters": "filter=startsWith(displayName,'J')" } ]
Action: Assign Manager to a User
This action assigns a manager to a specific user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to assign a manager to the user. Example: ea1f3fcf-b9cf-4da0-98f6-dc8b669d0692 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Manager ID | Enter the manager ID. Example: c35a21fd-38dc-403d-94bd-7196c90df51c | Text | Required |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "ea1f3fcf-b9cf-4da0-98f6-dc8b669d0692", "manager_id": "c35a21fd-38dc-403d-94bd-7196c90df51c" } ]
Action: Fetch Manager of a User
This action retrieves the manager details of a user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to retrieve the manager details of a user. Example: ea1f3fcf-b9cf-4da0-98f6-dc8b669d0692 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "ea1f3fcf-b9cf-4da0-98f6-dc8b669d0692" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. | | String | Unique identifier for the application instance. Example: "7d54cb02-aaa3-4016-9f9c-a4b49422dd9b" |
app_instance.displayName | String | Display name of the user. Example: "Sara Davis" |
app_instance.jobTitle | String | Job title of the user. Example: "Finance VP" |
app_instance.mail | String | Email address of the user. Example: "" |
app_instance.userPrincipalName | String | User Principal Name (UPN) of the user. Example: "" |
Action: List Owned Devices by a User
This action lists the devices owned by a user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to list the devices owned by the user. Example: eb61a8b6-a72f-4024-a694-44a7f9e8b1e8 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "eb61a8b6-a72f-4024-a694-44a7f9e8b1e8" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.value | Array | A list of objects containing IDs. Example: [{"id": "id-value"}] | | String | The unique identifier for each device. Example: "id-value" |
Action: Revoke Session of a User
The action revokes a user session. It invalidates all the refresh tokens issued to applications for a user (as well as session cookies in a user's browser), by resetting the signInSessionsValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time. Typically, this operation is performed (by the user or an administrator) if the user has a lost or stolen device. This operation prevents access to the organization's data through applications on the device by requiring the user to sign in again to all applications that they have previously consented to, independent of device.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to revoke a session for the user. Example: eb61a8b6-a72f-4024-a694-44a7f9e8b1e8 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "eb61a8b6-a72f-4024-a694-44a7f9e8b1e8" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.@odata.context | String | The OData context URL. Example: "$metadata#Edm.Boolean" |
app_instance.value | Boolean | The boolean value returned by the API. Example: true |
Action: Fetch Newly Created Updated Deleted User
The action retrieves the details of the newly created, updated, and deleted users such as name, ID, email, and other contact details.
Action Input Parameters
This action does not require any input parameters.
Action: Delete User
This action deletes a specific user based on the user ID. When deleted, user resources are moved to a temporary container and can be restored within 30 days. After that time, they are permanently deleted. You must have the User.ReadWrite.All permission to delete users.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to delete a user. Example: 9797b127-13f2-4b0d-bfa0-446b3269b537 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "9797b127-13f2-4b0d-bfa0-446b3269b537" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content | Status Code | Indicates that the request was successful but there is no content to send in the response. |
Action: Update User
This action updates the user's details based on the user ID and the update fields.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID to update the details of the user. Example: c514ef5a-4da0-487a-9a84-507b27d58742 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Update User Dictionary | Enter the fields and the corresponding values to be updated for the user. Example: jobTitle:Manager | Key Value | Optional | Allowed fields for updating are aboutMe, accountEnabled, ageGroup, birthday, businessPhones, city, companyName, consentProvidedForMinor, country, customSecurityAttributes, department, displayName, employeeId, employeeType, givenName, employeeHireDate, employeeLeaveDateTime, employeeOrgData, interests, jobTitle, mail, mailNickname, mobilePhone, mySite, officeLocation, onPremisesExtensionAttributes, onPremisesImmutableId, otherMails, passwordPolicies, passwordProfile, pastProjects, postalCode, preferredLanguage, responsibilities, schools, skills, state, streetAddress, surname, usageLocation, userPrincipalName, and userType. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "c514ef5a-4da0-487a-9a84-507b27d58742", "update_user": { "jobTitle": "Manager" } } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content | Status Code | The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content. |
Action: Get User Details
The action retrieves the details of a user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the User ID or user principal name. Examples:
| Text | Required | You can retrieve the User ID using the List Users action. |
Example Request
[ { "userid": "" } ]
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.response | Object | Contains a detailed response from the Microsoft Entra ID API. |
app_instance.response.businessPhones | Array | List the user's business phone numbers. |
app_instance.response.displayName | String | Display name of the user. Example: "John Doe". |
app_instance.response.givenName | String | Given name of the user. Example: "John". | | String | Unique identifier of the user. Example: "857fa008-db40-4264-a1a2-953c43ca60a4". |
app_instance.response.jobTitle | String | Job title of the user. Example: Security Analyst. |
app_instance.response.mail | String | Email address of the user. Example: "". |
app_instance.response.mobilePhone | String | Mobile phone number of the user. Example: “+1 425 555 0109” |
app_instance.response.officeLocation | String | Office location of the user. Example: “18/2111” |
app_instance.response.preferredLanguage | String | Preferred language of the user. Example: “en-US”. |
app_instance.response.surname | String | Surname of the user. Example: “Doe”. |
app_instance.response.userPrincipalName | String | User principal name (UPN) of the user. Example: "". |
app_instance.status_code | Integer | HTTP status code of the response. Example: 200. |
Action: List Users
The action retrieves the list of all the users.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Filter | Enter the filters to list users. Example: startswith(displayName, 'a') | Text | Optional | |
Limit | Enter a limit to set the page size of results. Example: 1 | Integer | Optional | |
Select | Enter select to filter properties of a user. Example: from,subject | Text | Optional | |
Orderby | Enter orderby to sort order of the items. Example: displayName | Text | Optional | Default value: asc |
Example Request
[ { "filters": "startswith(displayName, 'a')", "limit": 1, "select": "from,subject", "orderby": "displayName" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.@odata.context | String | The OData context URL. Example:$metadata#users |
app_instance.value | Array | A list of user objects. |
app_instance.value.businessPhones | Array | List of business phone numbers. |
app_instance.value.displayName | String | The display name of the user. Example: "Joe Adams" |
app_instance.value.givenName | String | The given name (first name) of the user. |
app_instance.value.jobTitle | String | The job title of the user. Example: null |
app_instance.value.mail | String | The email address of the user. Example: "" |
app_instance.value.mobilePhone | String | The mobile phone number of the user. |
app_instance.value.officeLocation | String | The office location of the user. |
app_instance.value.preferredLanguage | String | The preferred language of the user. |
app_instance.value.surname | String | The surname (last name) of the user. |
app_instance.value.userPrincipalName | String | The user principal name (UPN) of the user. Example: "" | | String | The unique identifier of the user. Example: "6ea91a8d-e32e-41a1-b7bd-d2d185eed0e0" |
Action: List Groups
This action lists the groups in an organization.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Filter | Enter the filter to list groups. Example: startswith(displayName, 'a') | Text | Optional | |
Limit | Enter a limit to set the page size of results. Example: 1 | Integer | Optional | |
Select | Enter select to filter properties of group. Example: from,subject | Text | Optional | |
Orderby | Enter the value to sort the order of items. Example: desc | Text | Optional | Allowed values:
Default value: asc |
Example Request
[ { "filters": "startswith(displayName, 'a')", "limit": 1, "select": "from,subject", "orderby": "desc" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.@odata.context | String | The OData context URL. Example: "$metadata#groups" |
app_instance.value | Array | A list of group objects. Example: [{"id": "45b7d2e7-b882-4a80-ba97-10b7a63b8fa4", "displayName": "Golf Assist", "mail": ""}] | | String | The unique identifier for the group. Example: "45b7d2e7-b882-4a80-ba97-10b7a63b8fa4" |
app_instance.value.deletedDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group was deleted. |
app_instance.value.classification | String | The classification of the group. |
app_instance.value.createdDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group was created. Example: "2018-12-22T02:21:05Z" |
app_instance.value.description | String | The description of the group. Example: "Self help community for golf" |
app_instance.value.displayName | String | The display name of the group. Example: "Golf Assist" |
app_instance.value.expirationDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group will expire. |
app_instance.value.groupTypes | Array | The group types. Example: ["Unified"] |
app_instance.value.isAssignableToRole | Boolean | Indicates if the group can be assigned to a role. |
app_instance.value.mail | String | The email address of the group. Example: "" |
app_instance.value.mailEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the group is mail-enabled. Example: true |
app_instance.value.mailNickname | String | The mail nickname of the group. Example: "golfassist" |
app_instance.value.membershipRule | String | The membership rule of the group. |
app_instance.value.membershipRuleProcessingState | String | The membership rule processing state. |
app_instance.value.onPremisesLastSyncDateTime | DateTime | The date and time of the last on-premises sync. |
app_instance.value.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier | String | The on-premises security identifier. |
app_instance.value.onPremisesSyncEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if on-premises sync is enabled. |
app_instance.value.preferredDataLocation | String | The preferred data location. Example: "CAN" |
app_instance.value.preferredLanguage | String | The preferred language. |
app_instance.value.proxyAddresses | Array | The proxy addresses of the group. Example: ["", ""] |
app_instance.value.renewedDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group was last renewed. Example: "2018-12-22T02:21:05Z" |
app_instance.value.resourceBehaviorOptions | Array | The resource behavior options. |
app_instance.value.resourceProvisioningOptions | Array | The resource provisioning options. |
app_instance.value.securityEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the group is security-enabled. Example: false |
app_instance.value.theme | String | The theme of the group. |
app_instance.value.visibility | String | The visibility of the group. Example: "Public" |
app_instance.value.onPremisesProvisioningErrors | Array | The on-premises provisioning errors. |
Action: Get Group Details
This action retrieves the properties and relationships of a group object.
Input Parameters
Parameters | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Group ID | Enter the group ID to retrieve the group details. Example: 8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01 | Text | Required |
Example Request
[ { "groupid": "8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Group | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.@odata.context | String | The OData context URL. Example: "$metadata#groups" |
app_instance.value | Array | A list of group objects. Example: [{"id": "45b7d2e7-b882-4a80-ba97-10b7a63b8fa4", "displayName": "Golf Assist", "mail": ""}] | | String | The unique identifier for the group. Example: "45b7d2e7-b882-4a80-ba97-10b7a63b8fa4" |
app_instance.value.deletedDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group was deleted. |
app_instance.value.classification | String | The classification of the group. |
app_instance.value.createdDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group was created. Example: "2018-12-22T02:21:05Z" |
app_instance.value.description | String | The description of the group. Example: "Self help community for golf" |
app_instance.value.displayName | String | The display name of the group. Example: "Golf Assist" |
app_instance.value.expirationDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group will expire. |
app_instance.value.groupTypes | Array | The group types. Example: ["Unified"] |
app_instance.value.isAssignableToRole | Boolean | Indicates if the group can be assigned to a role. |
app_instance.value.mail | String | The email address of the group. Example: "" |
app_instance.value.mailEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the group is mail-enabled. Example: true |
app_instance.value.mailNickname | String | The mail nickname of the group. Example: "golfassist" |
app_instance.value.membershipRule | String | The membership rule of the group. |
app_instance.value.membershipRuleProcessingState | String | The membership rule processing state. |
app_instance.value.onPremisesLastSyncDateTime | DateTime | The date and time of the last on-premises sync. |
app_instance.value.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier | String | The on-premises security identifier. |
app_instance.value.onPremisesSyncEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if on-premises sync is enabled. |
app_instance.value.preferredDataLocation | String | The preferred data location. Example: "CAN" |
app_instance.value.preferredLanguage | String | The preferred language. |
app_instance.value.proxyAddresses | Array | The proxy addresses of the group. Example: ["", ""] |
app_instance.value.renewedDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when the group was last renewed. Example: "2018-12-22T02:21:05Z" |
app_instance.value.resourceBehaviorOptions | Array | The resource behavior options. |
app_instance.value.resourceProvisioningOptions | Array | The resource provisioning options. |
app_instance.value.securityEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the group is security-enabled. Example: false |
app_instance.value.theme | String | The theme of the group. |
app_instance.value.visibility | String | The visibility of the group. Example: "Public" |
app_instance.value.onPremisesProvisioningErrors | Array | The on-premises provisioning errors. |
Action: List Group Members
This action lists the direct members of the group.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Group ID | Enter the group ID to get the group members. Example: 8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01 | Text | Required | |
Filter | Enter the filters to list group members. Example: startsWith(displayName,'J') | Text | Optional | |
Limit | Enter a limit to set the page size of results. Example: 1 | Integer | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "groupid": "8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01", "filters": "startsWith(displayName,'J')", "limit": 1 } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.@odata.context | String | The OData context URL. Example: "$metadata#directoryObjects" |
app_instance.value | Array | A list of directory object objects. Example: [{"id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555", "mail": ""}] | | String | The unique identifier for the directory object. Example: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555" |
app_instance.value.mail | String | The email address associated with the directory object. Example: "" |
Action: Get Group Settings
This action retrieves the settings of a group.
Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Option | Comments |
Group ID | Enter the group ID to retrieve the group settings. Example: 8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01 | Text | Required |
Example Parameters
[ { "groupid": "8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01" } ]
Action: Update Group Settings
This action updates the settings of a group.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Group ID | Enter the group ID to update the tenant-wide group settings. Example: 8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01 | Text | Required | |
Name | Enter the name of the setting. Example: AllowToAddGuests | Text | Required | |
Value | Enter the value of the setting to be updated. Example: sample value | Text | Required |
Example Request
[ { "text": "8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01", "name": "AllowToAddGuests", "value": "sample value" } ]
Action: Get Result From Next Link
This action retrieves results from the next page.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Next Link | Enter the link of the next page to fetch the corresponding results. Example:$filter=riskLevel+ne+microsoft.graph.riskLevel%27medium%27&$skiptoken=%3CID%3E; | Text | Required | |
Get All Results | Enter the value to get all results in one page. Example: True | Boolean | Optional | Allowed values:
Default value: False |
Example Request
[ { "next_link": "$filter=riskLevel+ne+microsoft.graph.riskLevel%27medium%27&$skiptoken=%3CID%3E;", "get_all_results": true } ]
Action: List Sign-ins
This action retrieves a list of sign-ins using the audit logs API.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Filter | Enter the filters to apply in the search response. Example: userDisplayName eq ‘Isabella Simonsen’ | Text | Optional | |
Limit | Enter the number of results to retrieve. Example: 1000 | Integer | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "filter": "userDisplayName eq 'Isabella Simonsen'", "top": 1000 } ]
Action: Get Sign-in Details
This action retrieves the details of a sign-in using the audit logs API.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
SignIn ID | Enter a sign-in ID. Example: 8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01 | Text | Required | You can retrieve the sign-in ID using the List Sign-ins action. |
Example Request
[ { "signin_id": "8ff2a417-4d3f-44a5-94a3-1faf73515c01" } ]
Action: Fetch Newly Created Updated Deleted User
The action retrieves the details of the newly created, updated, and deleted users such as name, ID, email, and other contact details.
Action Input Parameters
This action does not require any input parameters.