Akamai Network List 2.0.0
App Vendor: Akamai
App Category: Network Security
Connector Version: 2.1.0
API Version: 1.0.0
This app is currently released as a beta version.
About App
The Akamai Network List app allows security teams to manage shared lists of IP addresses, CIDR blocks, and geographic areas for Akamai security products. It supports fast activation, dynamic updates, and integration with custom blocklists to streamline threat response and enhance security configurations.
The Akamai Network List app is configured with the Orchestrate application to perform the following actions:
Action Name | Description |
Activate Network List | This action activates a network list. |
Add an Element | This action adds an element to a network list. |
Create a Network List | This action creates a network list. |
Delete a Network List | This action deletes a network list. |
Delete an Element | This action deletes an element from a network list. |
Get Activation Status | This action retrieves the activation status of the specified network list. |
Get a Network List | This action retrieves a network list. |
List Network Lists | This action retrieves all network lists you can access as an authenticated group member. |
Subscribe Network Lists | This action subscribes to network lists. |
Update the Network List | This action updates the network list. |
Generic Action | This is a generic action used to make requests to any Akamai Network List API endpoint. |
Configuration Parameters
The following configuration parameters are required for the Akamai Network List app to communicate with the Akamai Network List enterprise application. The parameters can be configured by creating instances in the app.
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Base URL | Enter the base URL to access the Akamai Network List app. Example: https://akaa-w.luna.akamaiapis.net | Text | Required | |
EdgeGrid Client Token | Enter the EdgeGrid client token to connect to the Akamai Network List app. Example: csxxefd | Password | Required | |
EdgeGrid Client Secret | Enter the EdgeGrid client secret to authenticate to the Akamai Network List app. Example: abcdEdghwsdksxx5CPUxlEfQeTDkfh4QA=I | Password | Required | |
Edgegrid Access Token | Enter the EdgeGrid access token to access Akamai Network List APIs. Example: akaa-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Password | Required | |
Verify | Choose your preference to verify SSL or TLS while making requests. It is recommended to set this option to yes. Passing no may result in incorrectly establishing the connection. | Boolean | Optional | By default, verification is enabled. |
Timeout | Enter the timeout value in seconds. This is the number of seconds that requests will wait to establish a connection with Akamai Network List. | Integer | Optional | Allowed range: 15-120 Default value: 15 |
Action: Activate Network List
This action activates a network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Env ID | Enter the Akamai network on which a network list must be activated. Example: STAGING | Text | Required | Allowed values: STAGING, PRODUCTION |
Network List ID | Enter the unique network list ID. Example: 12345_blackliststag | Text | Required | You can retrieve the network list ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Comments | Enter a comment for activating a network list. Example: activate users on staging | Text | Optional | |
Notification Recipients | Enter the list of email addresses of control center users who receive an email when activation of a network list is complete. Example: $LIST[securityteam@examplecom, testuser@sampledomain.com] | List | Optional | |
Siebel Ticket ID | Enter the Siebel ticket ID. | Text | Optional |
Action: Add an Element
This action adds an element to a network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Network List ID | Enter the unique network list ID. Example: 12345_blackliststag | Text | Required | You can retrieve the Network List ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Element | Enter an element (IP address or domain) to add to the network list. Example: | Text | Required |
Action: Create a Network List
This action creates a network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
List Name | Enter a name for the network list. Example: Sample Network List | Text | Required | |
Description | Enter the description of the list. Example: This is a sample description | Text | Optional | |
Network List Type | Enter the network list type. Example: IP | Text | Required | Allowed values: IP, GEO |
List Items | Enter the list of IPs or domains. Example: $LIST[sampledomain1.com, sampledomain2.com]. | List | Required |
Action: Delete a Network List
This action deletes a network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Network List ID | Enter the network list ID to delete. Example: 12345_blackliststag | Text | Required | You can retrieve the network list ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Action: Delete an Element
This action deletes an element from a network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Network List ID | Enter the network list ID. Example: 12345_BlacklistStag | Text | Required | You can retrieve the Network List ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Element | Enter an element (IP address or domain) that you need to delete from a network list. Example: | Text | Required |
Action: Get Activation Status
This action retrieves the activation status of the specified network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Network List ID | Enter the ID of the network list. Example: 12345_ALLOWEDGEOS | Text | Required | You can retrieve the network list ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Environment | Enter the environment on which the network list is activated. | Text | Required | Allowed values: STAGING, PRODUCTION |
Action: Get a Network List
This action retrieves a network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Network List ID | Enter the network list ID. Example: "12345_blackliststag" | Text | Required | You can retrieve the network list ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Extended | Choose true to extend the retrieved network list. Example: false | Boolean | Optional | Default value: false When set to true, additional details of network list such as creation, updation, and deployment status is provided. |
Include Elements | Choose true to include all elements in the retrieved response. Example: false | Boolean | Optional | Default value: true Allowed values: If set to true, then the response includes all elements. |
Action: List Network Lists
This action retrieves all network lists you can access as an authenticated group member.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Search | Enter the query to filter response by list names and items. Example: 192.168 | Text | Optional | |
List Type | Enter the network list type to filter the response. Example: IP | Text | Optional | Allowed values: IP, GEO |
Extended | Choose true to include extended details such as the creator, last updater, timestamps, and deployment status of the network list. | Boolean | Optional | Default value: false |
Include Elements | Choose true to include all the list items in the response. | Boolean | Optional | Default value: false |
Action: Subscribe Network Lists
This action subscribes to network lists.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Recipients | Enter the recipients. Example: it-team@example.com | Text | Required | |
Unique ID | Enter the unique ID of the network list. Example: 12345_blackliststag | Text | Required | You can retrieve the unique ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Action: Update the Network List
This action updates the network list.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Network List ID | Enter the network list ID. Example: 12345_blacklist | Text | Required | You can retrieve the network list ID using the action List Network Lists. |
Extended | Choose true to extend the network list. Example: false | Boolean | Optional | Default value: false If set to true, then the additional details of the network list such as creation, updation, and deployment status are provided. |
Include Elements | Choose true to include all elements in the retrieved response. Example: false | Boolean | Optional | Default value: true If set to true, then the response includes all elements. |
Name | Enter the updated name for the network list. Example: Network List | Text | Required | |
List Type | Enter the list type as IP or domain. Example: IP | Text | Required | Allowed values: IP, GEO |
Description | Enter the description. Example: This is a description for updating a network list. | Text | Required | |
Syncpoint | Enter the sync point value. It identifies the version of the network list that increments each time on modification. Example: 5 | Integer | Optional | You can retrieve a value of syncPoint from the response of the Get a Network List action. |
List Items | Enter the list of items (IP addresses or domains) to add to the network list. Example: $LIST["", ""]. | List | Required |
Action: Generic Action
This is a generic action used to make requests to any Akamai Network List API endpoint.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Method | Enter the HTTP method to make the request. | Text | Required | Allowed values: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE |
Endpoint | Enter the endpoint to make the request to. Example: notifications/subscribe | Text | Required | |
Query Params | Enter the query parameters to pass to the API. Example: {element: first_element} | Key value | Optional | |
Payload | Enter the payload to pass to the API. Example: $JSON{recipients: recipients,uniqueIds: unique_ids} | Any | Optional | |
Extra Fields | Enter the extra fields to pass to the API. | Key_value | Optional | Allowed keys: payload_json, download, files, filename, retry_wait, retry_count, custom_output, response_type |