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Cyware Orchestrate

Configure General Settings

Configure the general settings of the application, such as the logo, Google reCAPTCHA, timeout intervals, purging of run logs and triggered events, and more. For information on how to configure email and proxy servers, see Configure Email Serverand Configure Proxy Server. See Configure Google Sign in as the Authentication Method to enable Google sign-in.

You must have the View/Update Configuration permissions to update the configurations. To configure the general settings, navigate to Admin Panel > Configuration, select the required configuration and click Edit.

Enable QR Code Login

Enable this option for users to sign in by scanning the QR code using the Cyware Enterprise mobile application.

AI Assist for Custom Code Generation

AI Assist harnesses generative AI to swiftly and effectively generate code based on your prompts. Enable this to allow users to generate Python code using AI Assist and use the code to develop custom action and condition nodes while building playbooks.

To learn more about the feature, see AI Assist for Custom Code Generation.


Configure the Inactivity Timeout and Login Session Timeout of the instance.

  • Inactivity timeout represents the amount of time a user can be inactive before the user's session times out. The default value of inactivity timeout is 15 minutes. Administrators can set up an inactivity timeout in the range of 1 minute and 1440 minutes (24 hours).

  • Login Session Timeout specifies the time period after which the user will be logged out of the Orchestrate instance. The default value of login session timeout is 1 day. Administrators can set up a login session timeout in the range of 1 day to 365 days.

Google reCAPTCHA

Enable Google Recaptcha and enter the Google Secret Key and Site Key to register the application with the Google reCAPTCHA service. Google reCAPTCHA helps in detecting abusive traffic and thereby mitigating the possibility of bots signing in to the application without any user interaction. To generate the site key and secret key, see Google reCAPTCHA documentation.

Enable Workspaces in Orchestrate


This feature is available in Orchestrate from the release version v3.4.1 and later.

Workspaces assist administrators to create separate work environments to manage playbooks, apps, and other resources. Administrators can define role-based access control on workspaces that adds an additional layer of security to the playbooks and other resources. For more information on workspaces, see Workspaces.

To start using workspaces, you must enable the workspaces setting.

Before you Start

Ensure that your user group has Create/Update Configurations permission.


To enable workspaces, do the following:


This is a one-time configuration and cannot be reverted.

  1. Go to Admin Panel > Configuration and navigate to Enable Workspaces.

  2. Turn on the Enable Workspaces toggle and enter the name of your first workspace (for example, Development).

  3. Click Enable to accept the confirmation prompt for enabling workspaces. The status of this configuration is set to Enabled and the Workspace Management is available as a feature in the Admin Panel.


    Existing data from playbooks, apps, persistent lists, and other key modules will be migrated to the first workspace created.

    You can view and update the details of your first workspace under Workspace Management. For more details on updating your first workspace, see Manage Workspaces.

Impacted Modules on Enabling Workspaces

On enabling workspaces, existing data from the following modules will be migrated to the first workspace:

  • Dashboard

  • Playbooks

  • Run Logs

  • Persistent List

  • Cyware Agents Tasks

  • Trigger Events

  • Configure Triggers

  • Labels

  • Apps

  • Data Sync

  • Notifications

  • Cyware Agent

Open API, Webhook, and Syslogs: If you have enabled workspaces, then you must assign a workspace while creating a new Open API, Webhook, and Syslogs.

Date and Time

Administrators can configure the date and time settings that reflect in the timestamp of all platform-related activities. Administrators can also enable or disable users to update the date and time settings.

The administrator can configure the following settings:

  • Time Zone: Select one of the following time zone settings to reflect in the timestamps across the application for all users:

    • User Local Time Zone: Displays the timestamps as per the web browser time zone of the users. This option is selected by default.

    • Admin Specified Time Zone: Select a time zone to reflect in the timestamps for all users. For example, (UTC -08:00) America/Los_Angeles.

  • Date Format: Select a date format for the timestamps. The default date format is Mthd, yyyy. For example, Dec 25, 2023.

  • Time Format: Select a time format for the timestamps. For example, 24 Hours. The default time format is 12 Hours (AM/PM).

  • Allow Users to Override Date and Time Settings:

    • If this option is enabled, then users can override the administrator-configured settings and update their preferred date and time settings in My Profile. By default, this option is enabled. All users except those who have overridden the admin settings receive a notification when the administrator updates the date and time configuration. For more information on the date and time settings in profile settings, see My Profile.

    • If this option is disabled, then the administrator-configured settings apply to all users and users cannot update their preferred date and time settings. All users are notified when the date and time settings are updated by the administrator.

Purge Logs

You can configure the automatic purging of run logs, triggered events, and Cyware agent tasks after a set duration. The configured value indicates the number of days after which the run logs and triggered events are automatically purged. By default, the purging period is set to 10 days. You can manually set a period between 1 and 180 days based on your purging requirements.

Run logs of Playbooks with the following statuses are purged:

  • Success

  • Partial Success

  • Error

  • System Error

  • Terminated

Run logs of Playbooks with the following statuses are not purged:

  • In queue

  • In progress

  • On Hold


After upgrading an existing instance to the latest 3.2.0 version, if the configured duration to purge logs in the previous version is more than 180 days, then it is automatically reset to 180 days after the upgrade.

Automatic Account Deactivation

Administrators can set the time interval for the automatic deactivation of a user account after a prolonged period of inactivity, where the Orchestrate user has not logged in to use the application. Administrators can set up an automatic account deactivation in the range of 1 day to 365 days. User accounts are automatically deactivated after this time expires. For example, 90 days.