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Cyware Orchestrate

Run Logs

For each Playbook execution, the associated run log will display the LastRun and LastUpdated details. The last run status denotes the time at which Playbook was initiated to run. Whereas, the last updated status denotes the time at which the Playbook execution was completed.

To exclude run logs of Sub Playbooks, use the SubPlaybooksRunLogs filter on the RunLogs listing page.

You can export run logs in CSV and XLS formats. For example, you can download run logs in an XLS file format to view the Playbook execution data in a spreadsheet format. You can initiate the export process using the Export option on the RunLogs listing page.

Yes, you can export all the execution details of a specific Playbook. To filter the run logs of a specific Playbook, navigate to Search Run Logs in the run logs listing and enter the Playbook’s name. Once the results are filtered, you can click the export icon to initiate the download process. You can navigate to InformationalNotifications, and click the download icon to download the exported run logs.