Jira Software Cloud
App Vendor: Atlassian
App Category: Case/Ticket Management, IT Services
Connector Version: 1.4.0
API Version: 1.0.0
About App
Jira Software Cloud enables teams to plan, track, and manage their work. The Jira Software Cloud app enables security teams to integrate with the Jira Software Cloud enterprise application to manage users, projects, issues, and tasks.
The Jira Software Cloud app is configured with the Orchestrate application to perform the following actions:
Add Attachment to an issue | This action adds one or more attachments to a Jira ticket. |
Add Comment in Issue | This action adds a comment in an issue. |
Assign Issue to User | This action assigns an issue to a user. |
Assign Issue Using User Name | This action assigns an issue to a user using the user name. |
Create Issue | This action creates an issue. |
Create Issue Using Project Name | This action creates an issue in the Jira Software Cloud Application. |
Get a List of Comments from Issue | This action retrieves a list of comments from an issue. |
Get a List of Projects | This action retrieves a list of projects. |
Get a List of Users | This action retrieves a list of users. |
Get Comment from Issue | This action retrieves a comment from an issue. |
Get Field Metadata For a Project and Issue Type | This action retrieves field metadata for a project and issue type. |
Get Issue Details | This action retrieves the details of an issue. |
Get Issue Types For a Project | This action retrieves the issue types for a particular project. |
Get Project Details | This action retrieves the details of a project. |
Get Task Details | This action retrieves the details of a task. |
Get Transition Details | This action retrieves the transition details of an issue. |
Get User Details | This action retrieves the details of a user. |
Run JQL Query | This action runs a JQL query. |
Update Issue | This action updates an issue. |
Update Ticket Transition Using Similar Status Keyword | This action updates the ticket status by matching the provided status keyword with closely related status terms. |
Update Ticket Transition Using Status | This action updates the transition of a ticket using the transition status. |
Update Transition Using Transition ID | This action updates a transition using the transition ID. |
Action Name | Description |
Configuration Parameters
The following configuration parameters are required for the Jira Software Cloud app to communicate with the Jira Software Cloud enterprise application. The parameters can be configured by creating instances in the app.
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Cloud Domain | Enter the Jira Software Cloud domain. Example: "domain.atlassian.net:443" | Text | Required |
Email ID | Enter the email ID of the API user. | Text | Required |
API Token | Enter the API token. | Password | Required |
Verify | Choose to perform or skip the SSL certificate verification. | Boolean | Optional | Allowed values:
Default value: True |
Timeout | Enter the timeout value in seconds. This is the number of seconds that requests will wait to establish a connection with the Jira Software Cloud. | Integer | Optional | Allowed range: 15-120 seconds Default value: 15 seconds |
Action: Add Attachment to an Issue
This action is used to add one or more attachments to a Jira ticket.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID. | Text | Required | |
Attachment | Enter the attachment path. | Text | Required | Ensure the file path is valid and accessible. |
Action: Add Comment in Issue
This action adds a comment in an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID. Example: 10010 | Text | Required | |
Comment | Enter the comment. | Text | Required |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
app_instance | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.self | String | The URL to the resource. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10010/comment/10000" |
app_instance.id | String | The unique identifier of the comment. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.author | Object | An object containing the author's details. |
app_instance.author.self | String | The URL to the author's profile. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=john" |
app_instance.author.name | String | The username of the author. Example: "john" |
app_instance.author.displayName | String | The display name of the author. Example: "John Doe" |
app_instance.author.active | Boolean | Indicates whether the author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.body | String | The body content of the comment. Example: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ..." |
app_instance.updateAuthor | Object | An object containing the details of the person who last updated the comment. Example: {"self": "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred", "name": "john", ...} |
app_instance.updateAuthor.self | String | The URL to the profile of the person who last updated the comment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=john" |
app_instance.updateAuthor.name | String | The username of the person who last updated the comment. Example: "john" |
app_instance.updateAuthor.displayName | String | The display name of the person who last updated the comment. Example: "John Doe" |
app_instance.updateAuthor.active | Boolean | Indicates whether the person who last updated the comment is active. Example: false |
app_instance.created | String | The date and time when the comment was created. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.updated | String | The date and time when the comment was last updated. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.visibility | Object | An object containing visibility details. Example: {"type": "role", "value": "Administrators"} |
app_instance.visibility.type | String | The type of visibility. Example: "role" |
app_instance.visibility.value | String | The value of the visibility setting. Example: "Administrators" |
Action: Assign Issue to User
This action assigns an issue to a user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Input the issue ID. | Text | Required | |
User ID | Input the user ID. | Text | Required |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Status Code | Unknown | STATUS 400 Returned if there is a problem with the received user representation. STATUS 401 Returned if the calling user does not have permission to assign the issue. STATUS 204 Returned if the issue is successfully assigned. STATUS 404 Returned if either the issue or the user does not exist. |
Action: Assign Issue Using User Name
This action assigns an issue to a user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID to assign the issue. | Text | Required | |
User ID | Enter the ID of the user to assign the issue. | Text | Optional | You can retrieve this using the action Get a List of Users. |
User Name | Enter the user name to assign the issue. | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "issue_id": "PROJ-1234", "user_name": "John Doe" } ]
Action: Create Issue
This action creates an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Project ID | Input project ID. | Text | Required | |
Issue title | Input the issue title. | Text | Required | |
Issue description | Input the issue description. | Text | Required | |
Issue type ID | Input the issue type ID. | Text | Required | Allowed values:
Priority type ID | Input the priority type ID. | Text | Required | Allowed values:
Extra params | Input extra parameters in key-value pairs. | Key Value | Optional |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
app_instance | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. The parameters in the response depend on your configuration in Jira and may vary from the following parameters. |
app_instance.update.worklog.add.timeSpent | String | Time spent on the worklog entry. Example: "60m" |
app_instance.update.worklog.add.started | String | Start time of the worklog entry. Example: "2011-07-05T11:05:00.000+0000" |
app_instance.fields.project.id | String | ID of the project. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.summary | String | Summary of the issue. Example: "something's wrong" |
app_instance.fields.issuetype.id | String | ID of the issue type. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.assignee.name | String | Name of the assignee. Example: "John" |
app_instance.fields.reporter.name | String | Name of the reporter. Example: "Doe" |
app_instance.fields.priority.id | String | ID of the priority. Example: "20000" |
app_instance.fields.labels | Array | Labels associated with the issue. Example: ["bugfix", "blitz_test"] |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.originalEstimate | String | Original estimate of the time required. Example: "10" |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.remainingEstimate | String | Remaining estimate of the time required. Example: "5" |
app_instance.fields.security.id | String | ID of the security level. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.versions.id | String | ID of the version. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.environment | String | Environment of the issue. Example: "environment" |
app_instance.fields.description | String | Description of the issue. Example: "description" |
app_instance.fields.duedate | String | Due date of the issue. Example: "2011-03-11" |
app_instance.fields.fixVersions.id | String | ID of the fix version. Example: "10001" |
app_instance.fields.components.id | String | ID of the component. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.customfield_30000 | Array | Values for custom field 30000. Example: ["10000", "10002"] |
Action: Create Issue Using Project Name
This action creates an issue in the Jira Software Cloud Application.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Project ID | Enter the project ID. | Text | Optional | If both the project ID and project name are provided, the project ID will take precedence. |
Project Name | Enter the project name. | Text | Optional | If both the project ID and project name are provided, the project ID will take precedence. |
Issue Title | Enter the title of the issue to create. Example: Sample Title | Text | Required | |
Issue Description | Enter the issue description. Example: Sample description | Text | Required | |
Issue Type ID | Enter the ID of the issue type. | Text | Required | Allowed values: 10002 (Task), 10003 (Subtask), 10004 (Bug), 10000 (Epic), 10001 (Story) |
Priority Type ID | Enter the ID of the priority type. | Text | Optional | Allowed values: 1 (Highest), 2 (High), 3 (Medium), 4 (Low), 5 (Lowest) This is not required for the Epic issue type. |
Extra Params | Enter the extra parameters for the API request. | Key Value | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "issue_type": "10000", "extra_params": {}, "project_name": "Sample Project", "issue_title": "Sample Title", "issue_description": "Sample description" } ]
Action: Get a List of Comments from Issue
This action retrieves a list of comments for an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter issue ID. | Text | Required | |
Start At | Enter the index of the first item to return in a page of results. | Integer | Optional | Defaults at 0 |
Max Results | Enter the maximum number of results to return per page. | Integer | Optional | Default value is 50. |
Extra Params | Enter the extra parameters. | Key Value | Optional | Allowed values:
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.startAt | Integer | Starting index of the returned comments. Example: 0 |
app_instance.maxResults | Integer | Maximum number of results returned. Example: 1 |
app_instance.total | Integer | Total number of comments. Example: 1 |
app_instance.comments.self | String | URL to the comment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10010/comment/10000" |
app_instance.comments.id | String | ID of the comment. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.comments.author.self | String | URL to the author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.comments.author.name | String | Username of the author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.comments.author.displayName | String | Display name of the author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.comments.author.active | Boolean | Active status of the author. Example: false |
app_instance.comments.body | String | Body of the comment. Example: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper." |
app_instance.comments.updateAuthor.self | String | URL to the update author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.comments.updateAuthor.name | String | Username of the update author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.comments.updateAuthor.displayName | String | Display name of the update author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.comments.updateAuthor.active | Boolean | Active status of the update author. Example: false |
app_instance.comments.created | String | Creation timestamp of the comment. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.comments.updated | String | Update timestamp of the comment. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.comments.visibility.type | String | Type of visibility restriction. Example: "role" |
app_instance.comments.visibility.value | String | Value of visibility restriction. Example: "Administrators" |
Action: Get a List of Projects
This action retrieves a list of projects in Jira.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Start At | Input the index of the first item to return in a page of results. | Integer | Optional | |
Max results | Input the maximum number of results to return per page. | Integer | Optional | |
Extra params | Enter additional parameters in key-value pairs for retrieving projects. | Key Value | Optional | Allowed values:
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
app_instance.self | String | URL to the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/project/EX" |
app_instance.id | String | ID of the project. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.key | String | Key of the project. Example: "EX" |
app_instance.name | String | Name of the project. Example: "Example" |
app_instance.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large project avatar. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar" |
app_instance.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small project avatar. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar" |
app_instance.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the extra small project avatar. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar" |
app_instance.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium project avatar. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar?size=medium" |
app_instance.projectCategory.self | String | URL to the project category. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/projectCategory/10000" |
app_instance.projectCategory.id | String | ID of the project category. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.projectCategory.name | String | Name of the project category. Example: "FIRST" |
app_instance.projectCategory.description | String | Description of the project category. Example: "First Project Category" |
Action: Get a List of Users
This action retrieves a list of users.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Start At | Enter the index of the first item to return in a page of results. | Integer | Optional | Default value: 0 |
Max Results | Enter the maximum number of items to return. | Integer | Optional | Default value is 50 |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.self | String | URL to the group member API. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/group/member?groupname=jira-administrators&includeInactiveUsers=false&startAt=2&maxResults=2" |
app_instance.nextPage | String | URL to the next page of the group member API. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/group/member?groupname=jira-administrators&includeInactiveUsers=false&startAt=4&maxResults=2" |
app_instance.maxResults | Integer | Maximum number of results per page. Example: 2 |
app_instance.startAt | Integer | Index of the first result. Example: 3 |
app_instance.total | Integer | Total number of users in the group. Example: 5 |
app_instance.isLast | Boolean | Indicates if this is the last page of results. Example: false |
app_instance.values.self | String | URL to the user. Example: "http://example/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.values.name | String | Name of the user. Example: "Fred" |
app_instance.values.key | String | Key of the user. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.values.emailAddress | String | Email address of the user. Example: "fred@atlassian.com" |
app_instance.values.avatarUrls | Object | Avatar URLs of the user. |
app_instance.values.displayName | String | Display name of the user. Example: "Fred" |
app_instance.values.active | Boolean | Indicates if the user is active. Example: true |
app_instance.values.timeZone | String | Time zone of the user. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
Action: Get Comment from Issue
This action retrieves a comment from an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Input the issue ID. | Text | Required | |
Comment ID | Input the comment ID. | Text | Required | |
Extra Params | Input the extra parameters. | Key Value | Optional | Allowed parameter: expand (string): Pptional flag for this parameter is renderedBody (provides body rendered in HTML) |
Action Response Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.self | String | URL to the comment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10010/comment/10000" |
app_instance.id | String | ID of the comment. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.author.self | String | URL to the author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.author.name | String | Name of the author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.author.displayName | String | Display name of the author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.author.active | Boolean | Indicates if the author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.body | String | Body of the comment. Example: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper." |
app_instance.updateAuthor.self | String | URL to the update author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.updateAuthor.name | String | Name of the update author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.updateAuthor.displayName | String | Display name of the update author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.updateAuthor.active | Boolean | Indicates if the update author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.created | String | Date and time when the comment was created. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.updated | String | Date and time when the comment was last updated. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.visibility.type | String | Type of visibility. Example: "role" |
app_instance.visibility.value | String | Value of the visibility. Example: "Administrators" |
Action: Get Field Metadata For a Project and Issue Type
This action retrieves field metadata for a project and issue type.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Project ID | Enter the Project ID to retrieve the metadata and issue type. | Text | Required | |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID to retrieve the metadata and issue type. | Text | Required | |
Start At | Enter the starting index for the first item to display in the results page. Example: 0 | Integer | Optional | |
Max Results | Enter the maximum number of results to return per page. Example: 1000 | Integer | Optional |
Action: Get Issue Details
This action retrieves the details of an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID. | Text | Required | |
Extra Params | Enter the extra parameters in key-value pairs. | Key Value | Optional | Allowed values:
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.expand | String | Expanded fields information. Example: "renderedFields,names,schema,operations,editmeta,changelog,versionedRepresentations" |
app_instance.id | String | ID of the issue. Example: "10002" |
app_instance.self | String | URL to the issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10002" |
app_instance.key | String | Key of the issue. Example: "EX-1" |
app_instance.fields.watcher.self | String | URL to the watcher. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/EX-1/watchers" |
app_instance.fields.watcher.isWatching | Boolean | Indicates if the user is watching the issue. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.watcher.watchCount | Integer | Number of watchers. Example: 1 |
app_instance.fields.watcher.watchers[].self | String | URL to the watcher user. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.fields.watcher.watchers[].name | String | Name of the watcher user. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.fields.watcher.watchers[].displayName | String | Display name of the watcher user. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.fields.watcher.watchers[].active | Boolean | Indicates if the watcher user is active. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].self | String | URL to the attachment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2.0/attachments/10000" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].filename | String | Filename of the attachment. Example: "picture.jpg" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.self | String | URL to the author of the attachment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.key | String | Key of the author. Example: "JIRAUSER10100" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.name | String | Name of the author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.emailAddress | String | Email address of the author. Example: "fred@example.com" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=large" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=small" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the xsmall avatar of the author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=medium" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.displayName | String | Display name of the author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.active | Boolean | Indicates if the author is active. Example: true |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the author is deleted. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.timeZone | String | Time zone of the author. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.locale | String | Locale of the author. Example: "en_AU" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].author.lastLoginTime | String | Last login time of the author. Example: "2023-08-30T16:37:01+1000" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].created | String | Created date and time of the attachment. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.592+0000" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].size | Integer | Size of the attachment in bytes. Example: 23123 |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].mimeType | String | MIME type of the attachment. Example: "image/jpeg" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].content | String | URL to the attachment content. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/attachments/10000" |
app_instance.fields.attachment[].thumbnail | String | URL to the thumbnail of the attachment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/thumbnail/10000" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].id | String | ID of the sub-task. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].type.id | String | ID of the sub-task type. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].type.name | String | Name of the sub-task type. Example: "" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].type.inward | String | Inward type of the sub-task. Example: "Parent" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].type.outward | String | Outward type of the sub-task. Example: "Sub-task" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.id | String | ID of the outward issue. Example: "10003" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.key | String | Key of the outward issue. Example: "EX-2" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.self | String | URL to the outward issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/EX-2" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | URL to the status icon of the outward issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira//images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | Name of the status of the outward issue. Example: "Open" |
app_instance.fields.description | String | Description of the issue. Example: "example bug report" |
app_instance.fields.project.self | String | URL to the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/project/EX" |
app_instance.fields.project.id | String | ID of the project. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.project.key | String | Key of the project. Example: "EX" |
app_instance.fields.project.name | String | Name of the project. Example: "Example" |
app_instance.fields.project.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar?size=large" |
app_instance.fields.project.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar?size=small" |
app_instance.fields.project.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the xsmall avatar of the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall" |
app_instance.fields.project.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/projectavatar?size=medium" |
app_instance.fields.project.projectCategory.self | String | URL to the project category. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/projectCategory/10000" |
app_instance.fields.project.projectCategory.id | String | ID of the project category. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.project.projectCategory.name | String | Name of the project category. Example: "FIRST" |
app_instance.fields.project.projectCategory.description | String | Description of the project category. Example: "First Project Category" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].self | String | URL to the comment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10010/comment/10000" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].id | String | ID of the comment. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].author.self | String | URL to the author of the comment. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].author.name | String | Name of the author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].author.displayName | String | Display name of the author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].author.active | Boolean | Indicates if the author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.comment[].body | String | Body of the comment. Example: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper." |
app_instance.fields.comment[].updateAuthor.self | String | URL to the update author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].updateAuthor.name | String | Name of the update author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].updateAuthor.displayName | String | Display name of the update author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].updateAuthor.active | Boolean | Indicates if the update author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.comment[].created | String | Date and time when the comment was created. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].updated | String | Date and time when the comment was last updated. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.538+0000" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].visibility.type | String | Type of visibility. Example: "role" |
app_instance.fields.comment[].visibility.value | String | Value of the visibility. Example: "Administrators" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].id | String | ID of the issue link. Example: "10001" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].type.id | String | ID of the issue link type. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].type.name | String | Name of the issue link type. Example: "Dependent" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].type.inward | String | Inward description of the issue link type. Example: "depends on" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].type.outward | String | Outward description of the issue link type. Example: "is depended by" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.id | String | ID of the outward issue. Example: "10004L" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.key | String | Key of the outward issue. Example: "PRJ-2" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.self | String | URL to the outward issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/PRJ-2" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | URL to the status icon of the outward issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira//images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | Name of the status of the outward issue. Example: "Open" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].inwardIssue.id | String | ID of the inward issue. Example: "10004" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].inwardIssue.key | String | Key of the inward issue. Example: "PRJ-3" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].inwardIssue.self | String | URL to the inward issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/PRJ-3" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].inwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | URL to the status icon of the inward issue. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira//images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.fields.issuelinks[].inwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | Name of the status of the inward issue. Example: "Open" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].self | String | URL to the worklog. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10010/worklog/10000" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].author.self | String | URL to the author of the worklog. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].author.name | String | Name of the author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].author.displayName | String | Display name of the author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].author.active | Boolean | Indicates if the author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].updateAuthor.self | String | URL to the update author. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].updateAuthor.name | String | Name of the update author. Example: "fred" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].updateAuthor.displayName | String | Display name of the update author. Example: "Fred F. User" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].updateAuthor.active | Boolean | Indicates if the update author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].comment | String | Comment of the worklog. Example: "I did some work here." |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].updated | String | Date and time when the worklog was last updated. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.599+0000" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].visibility.type | String | Type of visibility. Example: "group" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].visibility.value | String | Value of the visibility. Example: "jira-developers" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].started | String | Date and time when the worklog was started. Example: "2024-05-23T14:47:28.598+0000" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].timeSpent | String | Time spent on the worklog. Example: "3h 20m" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].timeSpentSeconds | Number | Time spent on the worklog in seconds. Example: 12000 |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].id | String | ID of the worklog. Example: "100028" |
app_instance.fields.worklog[].issueId | String | ID of the issue. Example: "10002" |
app_instance.fields.updated | Number | Timestamp when the issue was last updated. Example: 1 |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.originalEstimate | String | Original time estimate. Example: "10m" |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.remainingEstimate | String | Remaining time estimate. Example: "3m" |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.timeSpent | String | Time spent. Example: "6m" |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.originalEstimateSeconds | Number | Original time estimate in seconds. Example: 600 |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.remainingEstimateSeconds | Number | Remaining time estimate in seconds. Example: 200 |
app_instance.fields.timetracking.timeSpentSeconds | Number | Time spent in seconds. Example: 400 |
Action: Get Issue Types For a Project
This action retrieves the issue types for a particular project.
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Project ID | Enter the Project ID to retrieve issue types. | Text | Required | |
Start At | Enter the starting index for the first item to display in the results page. Example: 0 | Integer | Optional | |
Max Results | Enter the maximum number of results to return per page. Example: 1000 | Integer | Optional |
Action: Get Project Details
This action retrieves the details of a project.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Project ID | Input the project ID. | Text | Required |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
expand | String | Fields to expand in the response. Example: "description,lead,url,projectKeys" |
self | String | URL to the project resource. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/project/EX" |
id | String | ID of the project. Example: "10000" |
key | String | Key of the project. Example: "EX" |
description | String | Description of the project. Example: "This project was created as an example for REST." |
lead.self | String | URL to the lead user. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
lead.key | String | Key of the lead user. Example: "JIRAUSER10100" |
lead.name | String | Name of the lead user. Example: "fred" |
lead.emailAddress | String | Email address of the lead user. Example: "fred@example.com" |
lead.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the lead user. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=large" |
lead.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the lead user. |
lead.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the extra small avatar of the lead user. |
lead.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the lead user. |
lead.displayName | String | Display name of the lead user. Example: "Fred F. User" |
lead.active | Boolean | Indicates if the lead user is active. Example: true |
lead.deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the lead user is deleted. Example: false |
lead.timeZone | String | Time zone of the lead user. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
lead.locale | String | Locale of the lead user. Example: "en_AU" |
lead.lastLoginTime | String | Last login time of the lead user. Example: "2023-08-30T16:37:01+1000" |
components[].self | String | URL to the component. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/component/10000" |
components[].id | String | ID of the component. Example: "10000" |
components[].name | String | Name of the component. Example: "Component 1" |
components[].description | String | Description of the component. Example: "This is a Jira component" |
components[].lead.self | String | URL to the lead user of the component. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
components[].lead.key | String | Key of the lead user of the component. Example: "JIRAUSER10100" |
components[].lead.name | String | Name of the lead user of the component. Example: "fred" |
components[].lead.emailAddress | String | Email address of the lead user of the component. Example: "fred@example.com" |
components[].lead.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the lead user of the component. |
components[].lead.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the lead user of the component. |
components[].lead.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the extra small avatar of the lead user of the component. |
components[].lead.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the lead user of the component. |
components[].lead.displayName | String | Display name of the lead user of the component. Example: "Fred F. User" |
components[].lead.active | Boolean | Indicates if the lead user of the component is active. Example: true |
components[].lead.deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the lead user of the component is deleted. Example: false |
components[].lead.timeZone | String | Time zone of the lead user of the component. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
components[].lead.locale | String | Locale of the lead user of the component. Example: "en_AU" |
components[].lead.lastLoginTime | String | Last login time of the lead user of the component. Example: "2023-08-30T16:37:01+1000" |
components[].assigneeType | String | Type of assignee for the component. Example: "PROJECT_LEAD" |
components[].assignee.self | String | URL to the assignee. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
components[].assignee.key | String | Key of the assignee. Example: "JIRAUSER10100" |
components[].assignee.name | String | Name of the assignee. Example: "fred" |
components[].assignee.emailAddress | String | Email address of the assignee. Example: "fred@example.com" |
components[].assignee.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the assignee. |
components[].assignee.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the assignee. |
components[].assignee.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the extra small avatar of the assignee. |
components[].assignee.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the assignee. |
components[].assignee.displayName | String | Display name of the assignee. Example: "Fred F. User" |
components[].assignee.active | Boolean | Indicates if the assignee is active. Example: true |
components[].assignee.deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the assignee is deleted. Example: false |
components[].assignee.timeZone | String | Time zone of the assignee. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
components[].assignee.locale | String | Locale of the assignee. Example: "en_AU" |
components[].assignee.lastLoginTime | String | Last login time of the assignee. Example: "2023-08-30T16:37:01+1000" |
components[].realAssigneeType | String | Type of the real assignee for the component. Example: "PROJECT_LEAD" |
components[].realAssignee.self | String | URL to the real assignee. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred" |
components[].realAssignee.key | String | Key of the real assignee. Example: "JIRAUSER10100" |
components[].realAssignee.name | String | Name of the real assignee. Example: "fred" |
components[].realAssignee.emailAddress | String | Email address of the real assignee. Example: "fred@example.com" |
components[].realAssignee.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the real assignee. |
components[].realAssignee.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the real assignee. |
components[].realAssignee.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the extra small avatar of the real assignee. |
components[].realAssignee.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the real assignee. |
components[].realAssignee.displayName | String | Display name of the real assignee. Example: "Fred F. User" |
components[].realAssignee.active | Boolean | Indicates if the real assignee is active. Example: true |
components[].realAssignee.deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the real assignee is deleted. Example: false |
components[].realAssignee.timeZone | String | Time zone of the real assignee. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
components[].realAssignee.locale | String | Locale of the real assignee. Example: "en_AU" |
components[].realAssignee.lastLoginTime | String | Last login time of the real assignee. Example: "2023-08-30T16:37:01+1000" |
components[].isAssigneeTypeValid | Boolean | Indicates if the assignee type is valid. Example: false |
components[].project | String | Key of the project the component belongs to. Example: "HSP" |
components[].projectId | Number | ID of the project the component belongs to. Example: 10000 |
issueTypes[].self | String | URL to the issue type. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/issueType/3" |
issueTypes[].id | String | ID of the issue type. Example: "3" |
issueTypes[].description | String | Description of the issue type. Example: "A task that needs to be done." |
issueTypes[].iconUrl | String | URL to the icon of the issue type. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/images/icons/issuetypes/task.png" |
issueTypes[].name | String | Name of the issue type. Example: "Task" |
issueTypes[].subtask | Boolean | Indicates if the issue type is a subtask. Example: false |
issueTypes[].avatarId | Number | ID of the avatar for the issue type. Example: 1 |
issueTypes[].self | String | URL to the issue type. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/issueType/1" |
issueTypes[].id | String | ID of the issue type. Example: "1" |
issueTypes[].description | String | Description of the issue type. Example: "A problem with the software." |
issueTypes[].iconUrl | String | URL to the icon of the issue type. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/images/icons/issuetypes/bug.png" |
issueTypes[].name | String | Name of the issue type. Example: "Bug" |
issueTypes[].subtask | Boolean | Indicates if the issue type is a subtask. Example: false |
issueTypes[].avatarId | Number | ID of the avatar for the issue type. Example: 10002 |
url | String | URL to view the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/browse/EX" |
String | Email address for the project. Example: "from-jira@example.com" | |
assigneeType | String | Type of the assignee. Example: "PROJECT_LEAD" |
versions | Array | Versions of the project. |
name | String | Name of the project. Example: "Example" |
roles.Developers | String | URL to the role "Developers" in the project. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/project/EX/role/10000" |
avatarUrls.48x48 | String | URL to the large avatar of the project. |
avatarUrls.24x24 | String | URL to the small avatar of the project. |
avatarUrls.16x16 | String | URL to the extra small avatar of the project. |
avatarUrls.32x32 | String | URL to the medium avatar of the project. |
projectCategory.self | String | URL to the project category. Example: "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/projectCategory/10000" |
projectCategory.id | String | ID of the project category. Example: "10000" |
projectCategory.name | String | Name of the project category. Example: "FIRST" |
projectCategory.description | String | Description of the project category. Example: "First Project Category" |
archived | Boolean | Indicates if the project is archived. Example: false |
Action: Get Task Details
This action retrieves the details of a task.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Task ID | Enter the task ID. | Text | Required |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.self | String | The URL to the task resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/task/1" |
app_instance.id | String | The unique identifier for the task. Example: "1" |
app_instance.description | String | The description of the task. Example: "Task description" |
app_instance.status | String | The current status of the task. Example: "COMPLETE" |
app_instance.result | String | The result of the task. This may be any JSON. Example: "the task result, this may be any JSON" |
app_instance.submittedBy | Number | The ID of the user who submitted the task. Example: 10000 |
app_instance.progress | Number | The progress of the task as a percentage. Example: 100 |
app_instance.elapsedRuntime | Number | The elapsed runtime of the task in seconds. Example: 156 |
app_instance.submitted | Number | The timestamp when the task was submitted. Example: 1501708132800 |
app_instance.started | Number | The timestamp when the task was started. Example: 1501708132900 |
app_instance.finished | Number | The timestamp when the task was finished. Example: 1501708133000 |
app_instance.lastUpdate | Number | The timestamp when the task was last updated. Example: 1501708133000 |
Action: Get Transition Details
This action retrieves the transition details of an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID to get the transition details. Example: 501 | Text | Required |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.expand | String | Contains the field to be expanded. Example: "transitions" |
app_instance.transitions | Array | A list of transition objects. Each object represents a possible transition for an issue. |
app_instance.transitions.id | String | The unique identifier for the transition. Example: "2" |
app_instance.transitions.name | String | The name of the transition. Example: "Close Issue" |
app_instance.transitions.opsbarSequence | Number | The sequence in which the transition appears in the operations bar. Example: 10 |
app_instance.transitions.to.self | String | The URL to the status resource. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/status/10000" |
app_instance.transitions.to.description | String | The description of the status. Example: "The issue is currently being worked on." |
app_instance.transitions.to.iconUrl | String | The URL of the status icon. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/images/icons/progress.gif" |
app_instance.transitions.to.name | String | The name of the status. Example: "In Progress" |
app_instance.transitions.to.id | String | The unique identifier of the status. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.transitions.to.statusCategory.self | String | The URL to the status category resource. Example: "http://localhost:8090/jira/rest/api/2.0/statuscategory/1" |
app_instance.transitions.to.statusCategory.id | Number | The unique identifier of the status category. Example: 1 |
app_instance.transitions.to.statusCategory.key | String | The key of the status category. Example: "in-flight" |
app_instance.transitions.to.statusCategory.colorName | String | The color name of the status category. Example: "yellow" |
app_instance.transitions.to.statusCategory.name | String | The name of the status category. Example: "In Progress" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.required | Boolean | Indicates if the field is required. Example: false |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.schema.type | String | The type of the field. Example: "array" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.schema.items | String | The items type of the field. Example: "option" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.schema.custom | String | The custom type identifier. Example: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.schema.customId | Number | The custom field identifier. Example: 10001 |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.name | String | The name of the field. Example: "My Multi Select" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.fieldId | String | The field identifier. Example: "customfield_10000" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.hasDefaultValue | Boolean | Indicates if the field has a default value. Example: false |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.operations | Array | The operations allowed on the field. Example: ["set", "add"] |
app_instance.transitions.fields.summary.allowedValues | Array | The allowed values for the field. Example: ["red", "blue", "default value"] |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.required | Boolean | Indicates if the field is required. Example: false |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.schema.type | String | The type of the field. Example: "array" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.schema.items | String | The items type of the field. Example: "option" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.schema.custom | String | The custom type identifier. Example: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.schema.customId | Number | The custom field identifier. Example: 10001 |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.name | String | The name of the field. Example: "My Multi Select" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.fieldId | String | The field identifier. Example: "customfield_10000" |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.hasDefaultValue | Boolean | Indicates if the field has a default value. Example: false |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.operations | Array | The operations allowed on the field. Example: ["set", "add"] |
app_instance.transitions.fields.colour.allowedValues | Array | The allowed values for the field. Example: ["red", "blue", "default value"] |
Action: Get User Details
This action retrieves the details of a user.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
User ID | Enter the user ID. Example: 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5 | Text | Required | The maximum length of the ID must be 128. |
Action Response Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.accountId | String | The unique identifier for the account. Example: "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.accountType | String | The type of account. Example: "atlassian" |
app_instance.active | Boolean | Indicates if the account is active. Example: true |
app_instance.applicationRoles.items | Array | A list of application roles. Example: [] |
app_instance.applicationRoles.size | Number | The number of application roles. Example: 1 |
app_instance.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | The URL of the 16x16 avatar. |
app_instance.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | The URL of the 24x24 avatar. |
app_instance.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | The URL of the 32x32 avatar. |
app_instance.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | The URL of the 48x48 avatar. |
app_instance.displayName | String | The display name of the account. Example: "John Doe" |
app_instance.emailAddress | String | The email address associated with the account. Example: "johndoe@example.com" |
app_instance.groups.items | Array | A list of groups the user belongs to. |
app_instance.groups.size | Number | The number of groups the user belongs to. Example: 3 |
app_instance.key | String | The key of the account. |
app_instance.name | String | The name of the account. |
app_instance.self | String | The URL to the account resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.timeZone | String | The time zone of the user. Example: "Australia/Sydney" |
Action: Run JQL Query
This action searches for issues using JQL.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Query Params | Enter the query parameters. | Key Value | Required | Allowed query parameters are jql (string), startAt (integer), maxStarts (integer), validateQuery (string), fields (array <string>), expand (string), properties (array<string>), and fieldsByKeys (boolean). For more information, see Jira API Documentation. |
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.expand | String | The fields to expand in the response. Example: "names,schema" |
app_instance.issues | Array | A list of issues. |
app_instance.issues[].expand | String | The fields to expand for this issue. Example: "" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.isWatching | Boolean | Indicates if the user is watching the issue. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.self | String | The URL to the watchers resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/EX-1/watchers" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.watchCount | Number | The number of watchers for the issue. Example: 1 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.watchers | Array | A list of watchers. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.watchers[].accountId | String | The account ID of the watcher. Example: "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.watchers[].active | Boolean | Indicates if the watcher is active. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.watchers[].displayName | String | The display name of the watcher. Example: "Mia Krystof" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.watcher.watchers[].self | String | The URL to the watcher resource. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment | Array | A list of attachments. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.accountId | String | The account ID of the attachment's author. Example: "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.accountType | String | The account type of the attachment's author. Example: "atlassian" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.active | Boolean | Indicates if the author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | The URL of the 16x16 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | The URL of the 24x24 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | The URL of the 32x32 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | The URL of the 48x48 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.displayName | String | The display name of the attachment's author. Example: "Mia Krystof" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.key | String | The key of the author. Example: "" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.name | String | The name of the author. Example: "" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.self | String | The URL to the author resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/user?accountId=5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].content | String | The URL of the attachment content. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/jira/rest/api/3/attachment/content/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].created | String | The creation date of the attachment. Example: "2022-10-06T07:32:47.000+0000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].filename | String | The filename of the attachment. Example: "picture.jpg" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].id | Number | The ID of the attachment. Example: 10000 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].mimeType | String | The MIME type of the attachment. Example: "image/jpeg" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].self | String | The URL to the attachment resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/attachments/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].size | Number | The size of the attachment in bytes. Example: 23123 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].thumbnail | String | The URL of the attachment thumbnail. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/jira/rest/api/3/attachment/thumbnail/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks | Array | A list of sub-tasks. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].id | String | The ID of the sub-task. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | The URL of the status icon. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | The name of the status. Example: "Open" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.id | String | The ID of the outward issue. Example: "10003" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.key | String | The key of the outward issue. Example: "ED-2" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.self | String | The URL to the outward issue resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/ED-2" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.id | String | The ID of the issue type. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.inward | String | The inward type of the issue. Example: "Parent" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.name | String | The name of the issue type. Example: "" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.outward | String | The outward type of the issue. Example: "Sub-task" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.type | String | The type of the description. Example: "doc" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.version | Number | The version of the description. Example: 1 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content | Array | A list of content elements in the description. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].type | String | The type of content. Example: "paragraph" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].content | Array | A list of text content elements. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].content[].type | String | The type of text content. Example: "text" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].content[].text | String | The text content. Example: "Main order flow broken" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.avatarUrls.16x16 | String | The URL of the 16x16 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.avatarUrls.24x24 | String | The URL of the 24x24 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.avatarUrls.32x32 | String | The URL of the 32x32 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.avatarUrls.48x48 | String | The URL of the 48x48 avatar. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.id | String | The ID of the project. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.insight.lastIssueUpdateTime | String | The last issue update time. Example: "2021-04-22T05:37:05.000+0000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.insight.totalIssueCount | Number | The total issue count. Example: 100 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.key | String | The key of the project. Example: "EX" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.name | String | The name of the project. Example: "Example" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.projectCategory.description | String | The description of the project category. Example: "First Project Category" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.projectCategory.id | String | The ID of the project category. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.projectCategory.name | String | The name of the project category. Example: "FIRST" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.projectCategory.self | String | The URL to the project category resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/projectCategory/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.self | String | The URL to the project resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/project/EX" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.simplified | Boolean | Indicates if the project is simplified. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.project.style | String | The style of the project. Example: "classic" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment | Array | A list of comments. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].author.accountId | String | The account ID of the comment's author. Example: "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].author.active | Boolean | Indicates if the author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].author.displayName | String | The display name of the comment's author. Example: "Mia Krystof" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].author.self | String | The URL to the author resource. " |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.type | String | The type of the comment body. Example: "doc" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.version | Number | The version of the comment body. Example: 1 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.content | Array | A list of content elements in the comment body. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.content[].type | String | The type of content. Example: "paragraph" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.content[].content | Array | A list of text content elements. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.content[].content[].type | String | The type of text content. Example: "text" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].body.content[].content[].text | String | The text content. Example: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper." |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].created | String | The date and time the comment was created. Example: "2021-01-17T12:34:00.000+0000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].id | String | The ID of the comment. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].self | String | The URL to the comment resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/10010/comment/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].updateAuthor.accountId | String | The account ID of the comment's update author. Example: "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].updateAuthor.active | Boolean | Indicates if the update author is active. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].updateAuthor.displayName | String | The display name of the comment's update author. Example: "Mia Krystof" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].updateAuthor.self | String | The URL to the update author resource. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].updated | String | The date and time the comment was last updated. Example: "2021-01-18T23:45:00.000+0000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].visibility.identifier | String | The identifier of the visibility role or group. Example: "Administrators" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].visibility.type | String | The type of visibility role or group. Example: "role" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.comment[].visibility.value | String | The value of the visibility role or group. Example: "Administrators" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks | Array | A list of issue links. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].id | String | The ID of the issue link. Example: "10001" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | The URL of the status icon. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | The name of the status. Example: "Open" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.id | String | The ID of the outward issue. Example: "10004L" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.key | String | The key of the outward issue. Example: "PR-2" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].outwardIssue.self | String | The URL to the outward issue resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/PR-2" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].type.id | String | The ID of the issue link type. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].type.inward | String | The inward type of the issue link. Example: "depends on" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].type.name | String | The name of the issue link type. Example: "Dependent" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].type.outward | String | The outward type of the issue link. Example: "is depended by" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuelinks[].inwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | The URL of the status icon. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.labels | Array | A list of labels on the issue. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.statuscategorychangedate | String | The date and time when the status category was changed. Example: "2021-01-17T12:34:00.000+0000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.avatarId | Number | The ID of the issue type avatar. Example: 1 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.description | String | The description of the issue type. Example: "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product." |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.hierarchyLevel | Number | The hierarchy level of the issue type. Example: 1 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.iconUrl | String | The URL of the issue type icon. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/images/icons/issuetypes/bug.png" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.id | String | The ID of the issue type. Example: "10001" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.name | String | The name of the issue type. Example: "Bug" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.subtask | Boolean | Indicates if the issue type is a sub-task. Example: false |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.self | String | The URL to the issue type resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issuetype/10001" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.issuetype.avatarId | Number | The avatar ID of the issue type. Example: 10000 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment | Array | A list of attachments. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.accountId | String | The account ID of the attachment's author. Example: "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.displayName | String | The display name of the attachment's author. Example: "Mia Krystof" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].author.self | String | The URL to the attachment author's resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/user?accountId=5b10a2844c20165700ede21g" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].created | String | The date and time the attachment was created. Example: "2021-01-17T12:34:00.000+0000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].content | String | The URL to the attachment content. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/secure/attachment/10000/bug-description.pdf" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].filename | String | The filename of the attachment. Example: "picture.jpg" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].id | Number | The ID of the attachment. Example: 10000 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].mimeType | String | The MIME type of the attachment. Example: "image/jpeg" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].self | String | The URL to the attachment resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/attachments/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].size | Number | The size of the attachment in bytes. Example: 23123 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.attachment[].thumbnail | String | The URL to the attachment thumbnail. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/jira/rest/api/3/attachment/thumbnail/10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks | Array | A list of sub-tasks for the issue. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].id | String | The ID of the sub-task. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | The URL of the status icon of the sub-task. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | The name of the status of the sub-task. Example: "Open" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.id | String | The ID of the outward issue (sub-task). Example: "10003" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.key | String | The key of the outward issue (sub-task). Example: "ED-2" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].outwardIssue.self | String | The URL to the outward issue (sub-task) resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/ED-2" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.id | String | The ID of the sub-task link type. Example: "10000" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.inward | String | The inward type of the sub-task link. Example: "Parent" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.name | String | The name of the sub-task link type. Example: "" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].type.outward | String | The outward type of the sub-task link. Example: "Sub-task" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].inwardIssue.fields.status.iconUrl | String | The URL of the status icon of the inward issue (sub-task). Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/images/icons/statuses/open.png" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].inwardIssue.fields.status.name | String | The name of the status of the inward issue (sub-task). Example: "Open" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].inwardIssue.id | String | The ID of the inward issue (sub-task). Example: "10004" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].inwardIssue.key | String | The key of the inward issue (sub-task). Example: "PR-3" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.sub-tasks[].inwardIssue.self | String | The URL to the inward issue (sub-task) resource. Example: "https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/PR-3" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.type | String | The type of the description. Example: "doc" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.version | Number | The version of the description. Example: 1 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content | Array | A list of content elements in the description. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].type | String | The type of content in the description. Example: "paragraph" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].content | Array | A list of text content elements in the description. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].content[].type | String | The type of text content in the description. Example: "text" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.description.content[].content[].text | String | The text content in the description. Example: "Main order flow broken" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.updated | Number | The timestamp of the last update for the issue. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.timetracking.originalEstimate | String | The original estimate for the issue. Example: "10m" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.timetracking.originalEstimateSeconds | Number | The original estimate for the issue in seconds. Example: 600 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.timetracking.remainingEstimate | String | The remaining estimate for the issue. Example: "3m" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.timetracking.remainingEstimateSeconds | Number | The remaining estimate for the issue in seconds. Example: 200 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.timetracking.timeSpent | String | The time spent on the issue. Example: "6m" |
app_instance.issues[].fields.timetracking.timeSpentSeconds | Number | The time spent on the issue in seconds. Example: 400 |
app_instance.issues[].fields.maxResults | Number | The maximum number of results returned. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.startAt | Number | The index of the first item returned in the page of results. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.total | Number | The total number of items returned. |
app_instance.issues[].fields.warningMessages | Array | A list of warning messages related to the issue. |
Action: Update Issue
This action updates an issue.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Input the issue ID. | Text | Required | |
Extra Params | Input the extra parameters. | Key Value | Required | Allowed values:
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
response | String | Returns a confirmation message. Example: Task Completed |
Action: Update Ticket Transition Using Similar Status Keyword
This action updates the ticket status by matching the provided status keyword with closely related status terms. For example, if you attempt to update the ticket status to In Progress but pass in progress or progress, the action will still apply the correct status, even with slight variations or case differences.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID to update the ticket transition. | Text | Required | |
Status Name | Enter the name of the status to update. | Text | Required |
Example Request
[ { "issue_id": "PROJ-1234", "to_status_name": "Under Review" } ]
Action: Update Transition Using Transition ID
This action updates the transition for an issue using the transition ID.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID to update the transition. Example: 501 | Text | Required | |
Transition ID | Enter the transition ID to update. Example: 1 | Text | Required | You can retrieve this ID using the action Get Transition Details. |
Action: Update Ticket Transition Using Status
This action updates the transition of a ticket using the status name.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Issue ID | Enter the issue ID to update the ticket transition. Example: 501 | Text | Required | |
Status Name | Enter the status of the ticket to be updated. Example: Quality Assurance | Text | Required |