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Cyware Orchestrate

Trigger Events from other Applications to Run Playbooks

A configure trigger maps a label to an event to automatically execute a Playbook on the occurrence of an event. You can create a configure trigger by configuring the event source app, source event type, and label. The configure trigger must be in active status to execute associated Playbooks on the occurrence of an event.


If you want to execute a Playbook when a potential phishing email is sent to your organization's email server, then you can create a trigger which executes a Playbook. The executed Playbook scans your organization's email server and quarantines a users email account that have received a phishing email.

Before you Start

Ensure that you have created a label to associate with an event.

For more information about creating a label, refer to Configure Labels in Orchestrate


Configure a Trigger for the Playbook

You can create a trigger to automatically trigger a Playbook based on the occurrence of an event.

To create a configure trigger:

  1. Click the Main Menu.

  2. Click Configure Triggers under Triggers.

  3. Click Add Configure Trigger.

  4. In Event Source App, enter the name of the external application. Example: VirusTotal

  5. In Source Event Type, enter the type of source event. Example: Phishing

  6. In Label, enter the specific label you want to associate with this event.

  7. Set the event status to either active or inactive based on your requirement, and click Create to create the configured event.


    If you want to execute a Playbook when the source event occurs, then the configured event must be in active status.

    The Playbook will get executed on the occurrence of the event defined in Configured Triggers.

    If you need to execute a Playbook through a manual trigger, then you can execute it by creating a trigger in Triggered Events.

Add a Label to a Playbook

You can add a label to a Playbook to execute a Playbook on the occurrence of an event. You can select one or more labels for a Playbook while creating a Playbook.

To add a label to a Playbook:

  1. Click the Main Menu.

  2. Click Manage Playbooks and click the New Playbook icon on the top right corner.

  3. In the Playbook canvas, drag and drop an app action node to build a Playbook.

  4. Click Playbook Overview and configure the required fields.

  5. In Select Labels field, select the required labels from the dropdown list.

  6. Add the remaining nodes to the Playbook and click Save.