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Cyware Orchestrate

Supported Actions for Informational Notifications

You can perform the following actions on informational notifications:

  • Take actions on run log export: In the notification that shows the run log export details, you can download the exported run log, mark the notification as read, and delete the notification.

  • View unread notifications: You can view the notifications that haven’t been read, by toggling Show only unread.

  • Mark all the notifications as read: You can set the status of all the informational notifications as read. To enable this, go to the ellipsis icon on the top and click Mark all as read.

  • Delete all notifications: You can clear all the notifications by deleting them. To delete notifications, go to the ellipsis icon on top, and click Clear All.

  • Mark individual notification as read: You can set the status of an individual notification as read. Hover over an individual notification and click Mark as read.

  • Delete individual notifications: You can clear individual notifications by deleting them. Hover over an individual notification and click Clear.