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Cyware Orchestrate

Release Notes 3.5.5

April 24, 2024

We are excited to introduce you to the latest version of Orchestrate v3.5.5. This release includes new features and enhancements.

AI Assist New

Orchestrate introduces AI Assist to generate Python code for custom action and condition nodes while creating playbooks. AI Assist harnesses generative AI to swiftly and effectively generate code based on your prompts. This helps you significantly reduce manual coding time and improve productivity.


For more information, see AI Assist for Custom Code Generation and Example Prompts for AI Assist.

Read-Only Users New

Orchestrate supports read-only users that enhance role-based access control (RBAC) for streamlined user management. You can now create read-only users who have view-only access to specific features in Orchestrate. You can utilize the default Cyware Orchestrate Read-Only user group or create custom read-only user groups to assign customized view-only permissions.


For more information, see User Groups Permission Set and Create User.

Playbooks Enhanced

  • In addition to the Save button, a Run Playbook button has been introduced within playbooks, significantly improving user experience and productivity. This enhancement helps you perform the following actions:

    • Run playbooks with or without any input data

    • Run playbooks using the previous input data


    For more information, see Create Playbook.Create Playbook

  • You can now retrieve playbook metadata, such as title, UUID, readable ID, and runlog ID, using dynamic path expressions. 

    For more information, see Use Dynamic Paths.

Approve Playbooks from Emails Enhanced

You can approve or reject playbook execution directly from email notifications. This eliminates the need to sign in to Orchestrate for playbook approvals, which enhances user experience and efficiency. For information, see Input Node.

Playbook Error Notification Enhanced

Orchestrate supports notifying non-Orchestrate users directly from your playbook through email notifications. This feature enhances playbook monitoring if playbook execution ends with an error.

For more information, see Notification Management.

OpenAPI Enhancements

Orchestrate supports a new API endpoint (Install Custom App Package) that empowers you to directly install your custom apps in the platform and use the associated app actions to build playbooks.

For more information, see Cyware Orchestrate API Reference.

Other Enhancements

Deprecated Features

The Playbook Execution Priority feature is no longer supported.