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Cyware Orchestrate


App Vendor: ipify

App Category: Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence

Connector Version: 1.0.0

API Version: 1.0.0

About App

The ipify app integrates with ipify, a service that can retrieve the external IP of an organization.

The ipify app is configured with the Orchestrate application to perform the following actions:

Action Name


Get Public IPv4 Address

This action retrieves the external IPv4 address.

Get Public IPv6 Address

This action retrieves the external IPv6 address.

Configuration Parameters

The ipify app does not require any configuration parameter to communicate with the ipify enterprise application. You can create instances for the ipify app without parameters.

Action: Get Public IPv4 Address

This action retrieves the external IPv4 address.

Action Input Parameters

This action does not require any input parameter.

Action: Get Public IPv6 Address

This action retrieves the external IPv6 address.

Action Input Parameters

This action does not require any input parameter.