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Cyware Orchestrate

View Instances

You can view the list of all instances for an app specific to a version. By default, the instances for the latest version are displayed. The instance details such as instance name, description, expiration date, status, agent compatibility, and other configuration parameters are displayed.


To view an app instance:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon on the left side bar, and select Apps.

  2. Click the app card to view all the app-related details.

  3. Select the Instances tab.

  4. If an instance for the app exists, hover on the instance to:

    1. Test Instance: Click Test Instance to view the last test instance result including the time and tested by details. You have the option to test it again in this view.

    2. View Instance Details: View the app instance details such as instance title, instance ID, description, instance expiration date, created (timestamp and user name), modified (timestamp and user name), app version, and instance configuration details.

    3. Edit Instance: You can edit the instance name, description, and configuration details or change the default instance of the app.

    4. Delete Instance: Locate the instance that you want to delete and click the delete icon. To view the instance details specific to a version, select the version from the version selector drop down list. Administrators will receive an email notification for all instances that are nearing expiry. If the instance expiry date is nearing (within a week), the expiry date is highlighted in red. An instance cannot be deleted if the instance is currently being used in a Playbook.

    5. Instance Expiry Date: If the instance expiry date is configured, the date is displayed on mouse hover.