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Cyware Orchestrate

Playbook Store Details

The following details of Playbooks are displayed on the Playbook store listing page.

  • ID: The unique ID of a Playbook. For example, CPLB183. The Playbook ID changes after you import a Playbook from a Playbook store.

  • Category: The category of Playbooks such as Intel Enrichment, Incident Notification, Incident Response, and more.

  • Name: The name of a Playbook. For example, Add CTIX IOC to Elastic Index

  • Statistics: The number of sub-Playbooks and app actions that are part of a Playbook.

  • Published: The publish date of a Playbook. For example, Oct 20, 2022, 03:41 PM

  • Published By: The publisher name of a Playbook. For example, Cyware

  • Imported label: Indicates that a Playbook has been imported from the Playbook Store.

  • New label: Indicates that the Playbook has been published to the Playbook Store in the last 14 days.

  • Overview: Displays the Playbook workflow in the Playbook canvas.