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Cyware Orchestrate

Schedule Playbooks

You can schedule a Playbook to run on a once, daily, weekly, or monthly schedule using the date and time picker. You can also use cron expressions to schedule a Playbook.

For example, you can schedule a Playbook to run every Monday at 10:00 AM for an entire year.

You can use the 15 10 * * * cron expression to run a Playbook at 10:15 AM every day.

Before you Start

Ensure that your user group has the Create/Update Playbooks permission.


To schedule a Playbook, do the following:

  1. Click Main Menu, and select Playbooks > Manage Playbooks.

  2. Go to a Playbook, and click Edit Playbook > Playbook Overview.

  3. Enable the Schedule Playbook toggle.

  4. You can run a Playbook automatically using one of the following schedules. Note that your profile timezone automatically applies to once, daily, weekly, and monthly schedules. For cron schedules, the default time zone is your profile time zone. You can select a different time zone from the drop-down.

    • Once: Schedule a Playbook to run only once based on the specified Date and Time.

    • Daily: Choose to schedule a Playbook to run daily using the following fields.

      • Date and Time: Select a date and time schedule for the recurring run of a Playbook.

      • Ends: Select the end time for the Playbook run using one of the options such as Never, On (specific date), and After (number of occurrences).

    • Weekly: Schedule Playbooks to run on specific days of the week using the following fields:

      • Date and Time: Select a date and time schedule for the recurring run of a Playbook.

      • Repeat On: Select one or more days of the week for a Playbook run.

      • Ends: Select the end time for the Playbook run using one of the options such as Never, On (specific date), and After (number of occurrences).

    • Monthly: Schedule Playbooks to run based on specific dates of a month using the following fields.

      • Date and Time: Select a date and time schedule for the recurring run of a Playbook.

      • Recurs Every Month On: Select one or more dates for a Playbook run.

      • Ends: Select the end time for the Playbook run using one of the options such as Never, On (specific date), and After (number of occurrences).

    • Cron: Schedule a Playbook using cron expressions with the following fields.

      • Time Zone: The default time zone is your profile time zone. You can select a different time zone from the drop-down.

      • Cron Expression: Enter a cron expression to run a Playbook. For more information on cron expressions, see Working with Cron Expressions.Working with Cron Expressions

      • Ends: Select the end time for the Playbook run using one of the options such as Never, On (specific date), and After (number of occurrences).

  5. Configure the remaining Playbook Overview details and click Save. The Playbook will run automatically on the configured schedule and you can go to the Playbooks listing page and hover on the Playbook to view the next scheduled time for a run.