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Cyware Orchestrate

Edit App

You can edit an app from the app details page. You can edit a Cyware-published app after cloning the app. You can also edit a custom app.

The categories of apps that can be edited are:

  • Ready-to-use or In Progress apps can be edited.

  • Apps that are not associated with any Playbook can be edited. If you need to edit an app that is associated with a Playbook, then you should unlink the app from a Playbook.


Toggle the Active button to mark the app as active or inactive in the top right corner.

Before you Start:

Ensure you have the Create/Update App Config permission.


To edit an app:

  1. Click Main Menu, and click Apps.

  2. On the Apps listing page, you can edit an app by clicking the ellipses on an app, and selecting Edit App.

  3. Under App Details, enter the following details:

    1. App Information : Configure the basic app information.

    2. App Configuration Parameters : Configure the field parameters.

    3. Actions: Configure the parameters for app actions.

  4. Click Save.

App Information

You can provide an overview of the app by entering the basic details listed below:




App Name


Enter the name of the app.

Example: CTIX Custom App

Python Class Name


The Python class name is built-in and cannot be modified.

App Versions


App Version defines the release version of the app.

The app version in the config.json file is reflected in this field when editing an imported app. However, the version of a newly generated app that is being edited is always 1.0.0.

Supported API Version


Enter the API version of the app.

App Logo


Upload the app logo. You can also delete the logo after it is uploaded.

App Description


Enter a few lines describing the app features and the usage of the app.



From the dropdown, choose one or more categories to which the app belongs. The categories supported by Orchestrate are available for selection here.

Link to Documentation


Enter the website URL of the documentation if required. The link will have the prefix https://.

Agent Compatibility


Toggle the Active button to enable agent compatibility for the app.

App Configuration Parameters

You can define the app action configurations that are required while launching the app. You can view, edit and delete the app parameters.

  • To view the fields, you can hover over the parameter and click View Parameter.

  • To delete the fields, you can hover over the parameter and click Delete Parameter .

  • To edit the fields, you can hover over the parameter and click Edit Parameter, and enter the following details.


Editable/ Non-Editable


Field Identifier


The field identifier uniquely identifies the app field.

Field Title


Enter the title of the field.

Field Type


Choose the field type from the dropdown. The following field types are as follows:

• Text

• Textarea

• Password

• Boolean

• File

• Any

The supported file types for the file field type are PEM, PFX, CER, CRT, and JSON. The max char length for the textarea field type is 200,000.

Field Description


Enter the description for the app parameter.

Mandatory Parameter


Click the box to make the parameter mandatory.


You can define the app actions that are required for the app. You can view, create, and edit the app parameters.

  • To create a new action, click the +Action button.

  • To view the actions, hover over the action and click View Action.

  • To edit the action, you can hover over the parameter and click Edit Action.

The details required to create and edit the app actions are as follows:


Editable/ Non-editable


Action Identifier


The field identifier uniquely identifies the app action. This cannot be edited.

Action Name


Enter the title for the app action.

Action Description


Enter a description for the app action.

Accepted Parameters


Enter the following details:

  • Field Title: Enter the title of the field type. Example: Payload

  • Field Type: Choose the field type from the dropdown. The available options are: Integer, Float, Text, Password, Boolean, Key Value, Single Select, Multi Select, List, Date and Any.

  • Field Description: Enter a few lines describing the field.

  • Mandatory Parameter: Mark this box if you want to make the action a mandatory parameter.

Return Values


Click +Value and enter the following details:

  • Title: Enter the title for the return value.

  • Data Source: Enter the data source for the app.

  • Value Description: Enter a few lines describing the return value.