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Cyware Orchestrate

Working with Cron Expressions

A cron expression is a string consisting of five sub-expressions (fields) that describe the individual details of the cron schedule. The fields in the cron expression are separated by a space and can contain any of the allowed values or special characters. You can schedule Playbooks and data sync jobs using cron expressions.


A valid cron expression must be in the following format:

<Minute> <hour> <day (month)> <month> < day (week)>

Allowed Fields and Values

The following table describes the allowed fields and the respective values in a cron expression:

Field Name

Allowed Values

Allowed Special Characters



, - * /



, - * /

Day of Month


, - * /


1-12 or JAN-DEC

, - * /

Day of Week

0-6 or SUN-SAT

, - * /

Special Characters

The following table describes the special characters that you can use while defining a cron schedule.

Special Character


* (Asterisk)

An asterisk indicates that a field accepts all the allowed values.

For example, * in the minute field means every minute.

- (Dash)

A dash indicates a range including the from and to values.

For example, 10-12 in the hour field means the hours 10, 11, and 12.

, (Comma)

A comma indicates specific values.

For example, MON,WED,FRI in the day-of-week field means the days Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

/ (Forward Slash)

A forward slash indicates specific increments.

For example,

*/15 in the minute field means minutes 0, 15, 30, and 45.

The first part before the forward slash must be an asterisk (*) for a cron expression. For example, 0/15 or 5/15 is an invalid value.


The following are some examples of cron expressions:

Cron Expression


0 0 * * 0

Runs at 00:00 hrs on Sunday

10,44 14 * 3 *

Runs at 14:10 hrs and 14:44 hrs every day in the month of March

* 13,14 * 3 WED

Runs at every minute of the 13th and 14th hours every Wednesday in the month of March

0 0 * * FRI

Runs at 00:00 hrs every Friday

0 9 * * *

Runs at 09:00 hrs every day

*/5 * * * *

Runs every 5 minutes every day