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Cyware Orchestrate

Import Apps

Analysts can import a new app package or replace a custom app or cloned app to update the app configurations. Analysts can import an app package in the .zip format. You cannot replace the apps that are installed from the Appstore. To replace the apps installed from the Appstore, you must clone the app and then make the required changes to the app configurations.

Before you Start 

Ensure that your user group has the Import App permission.


To import an app package:

  1. Click Main Menu > Apps.

  2. Click Import App Package and select the app package in the .zip format.

    1. If an app of the same name and version does not exist in My Apps, then the app package is successfully imported. You can check the status of the app import app from the informational notifications.

    2. If an app of the same name and version already exists in My Apps, then you must confirm the validation checks displayed in the Import Preview. 


      Importing an app with the same name and version replaces the existing app configurations which are irreversible and impact the execution of the Playbooks associated with the app.

      The following details are validated while importing the app package:

      • App Details: Displays the modified app name, app version, or app configuration parameters

      • Modified Actions: Displays the modified app actions

      • Deleted Actions: Displays the deleted app actions

      • Associated Playbooks: Displays the impacted playbooks

  3. Click Yes, Import to import the app, and accept the import confirmation prompt. After the successful import of the app package, the app is listed in My Apps.

Updating App action nodes inside Playbooks

Orchestrate supports the capability to import apps that are developed in Orchestrate 2.x instance. If the app exported from the 2.x instance is of a higher version than the version of the app in the Orchestrate 3.0, you need to upgrade the app in all the corresponding Playbooks.

After successfully importing the app package, you will be prompted to update the app action nodes of the Playbooks that use the imported app. You can choose to confirm or skip this action. If you do not wish to upgrade the version of the app in all the associated Playbooks, then the nodes in the Playbooks remain unchanged. However, the app version is updated on the MyApps landing page. For more information on upgrading app versions in playbooks after import, see Upgrade App Versions in Playbooks after Import.