AWS EC2 2.0.0
App Vendor: Amazon Web Services
App Category: IT Services
Connector Version: 2.2.0
API Version: 1.0.0
About App
The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) app allows security teams to integrate with the Amazon EC2 enterprise application. The Amazon EC2 app allows analysts to manage the actions related to managing image of instances, security groups, and snapshots on the AWS platform.
The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) app is configured with Orchestrate to perform the following actions:
Action Name | Description |
Create a New Image | This action creates a new image. |
Create a Security Group | This action creates a security group. |
Create a Snapshot | This action creates a snapshot. |
Delete a Security Group | This action deletes a security group. |
Delete a Snapshot | This action deletes a snapshot. |
De-register an Image | This action de-registers an image. |
Run Instances | This action launches and runs instances using an AMI. |
Fetch Instances | This action retrieves instances. |
Describe Security Groups | This action describes a security group. |
Edit Security Groups | This action edits a security group. |
Create IPv4 NACL Entry | This action adds an entry IPv4 CIDR into NACL. |
Create IPv6 NACL Entry | This action adds an entry IPv6 CIDR into NACL. |
Delete Network ACL Entry | This action deletes an NACL entry. |
Describe NACL | This action describes a NACL. |
Get Instance Details | The action retrieves the details of an instance. |
Configuration Parameters
The following configuration parameters are required for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) connector app to communicate with the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) enterprise application. The parameters can be configured by creating instances in the connector app.
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Access Key ID | Enter the access key ID for accessing the endpoint. | Text | Required | |
Secret Access Key | Enter the secret key for accessing the endpoint. | Password | Optional |
Action: Create a New Image
This action creates a new image.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Image Description | Enter the description of the image. Example: "Instance Image for SecOps operations" | Text | Required | |
Instance ID | Enter the instance ID. Example: "i-1234567890abcdef0" | Text | Required | You can retrieve the Instance ID using Fetch Instances action. |
Image Name | Enter the image name. Example: "ami-4fa54026" | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-1" | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "description": "Instance Image for SecOps operations", "instance_id": "i-1234567890abcdef0", "image_name": "ami-4fa54026", "region_name": "us-east-1" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ImageId | String | The unique identifier for the image. |
Action: Create a Security Group
This action creates a security group.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Description | Enter the description of the security group. Example: "Security group with inbound and outbound rules" | Text | Required | |
Group Name | Enter the security group name. Example: "WebServerSG" | Text | Required | |
VPC ID | Enter the VPC ID (Virtual Private Cloud). Example: "vpc-3325caf2" | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-2" | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "description": "TestSecurityGroup", "group_name": "WebServerSG", "vpc_id": "vpc-3325caf2", "region_name": "us-east-2" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
GroupId | String | The unique identifier for the group. |
Tags | Array | A list of key-value pairs representing tags associated with the group. |
Tags.Key | String | The key of a tag associated with the group. |
Tags.Value | String | The value of a tag associated with the group. |
Action: Create a Snapshot
This action creates a snapshot.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Volume ID | Enter the volume ID. Example: "vol-1234567890" | Text | Required | |
Snapshot Description | Enter the description for a snapshot. Example: "Snapshot for web server backup" | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-2". | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "volume_id": "vol-1234567890", "description": "Sample snapshot to create", "region_name": "us-east-2" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
DataEncryptionKeyId | String | The identifier of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) that was used to protect the volume encryption key for the volume. |
Description | String | A description of the volume. |
Encrypted | Boolean | Indicates whether the volume is encrypted. |
KmsKeyId | String | The identifier of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) that was used to protect the volume encryption key for the volume. |
OwnerId | String | The AWS account ID of the EBS snapshot owner. |
Progress | String | The progress of the snapshot, as a percentage. |
SnapshotId | String | The ID of the snapshot. |
StartTime | Datetime | The timestamp when the snapshot was initiated. |
State | String | The state of the snapshot. |
StateMessage | String | A message describing the state of the snapshot. |
VolumeId | String | The ID of the volume. |
VolumeSize | Integer | The size of the volume, in GiB. |
OwnerAlias | String | The AWS owner alias. |
OutpostArn | String | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. |
Tags | Array | A list of key-value pairs associated with the snapshot. |
Tags.Key | String | The key of the tag. |
Tags.Value | String | The value of the tag. |
StorageTier | String | The storage tier of the snapshot. |
RestoreExpiryTime | Datetime | The timestamp when the snapshot will be automatically deleted. |
SseType | String | The type of server-side encryption used for the snapshot. |
Action: Delete a Security Group
This action deletes a security group.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Security Group ID | Enter the security group ID. Example: "sg-0f1664aff1e44f3a2" | Text | Required | You can retrieve the Security Group ID using Describe Security Groups action. |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-1" | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "group_id": "sg-0f1664aff1e44f3a2", "region_name": "us-east-1" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
requestId | String | The unique identifier associated with the request. |
return | Boolean | Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
Action: Delete a Snapshot
This action deletes a snapshot.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Snapshot ID | Enter the snapshot ID. Example: "snap0101276" | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-2". | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "snapshot_id": "snap0101276", "region_name": "us-east-2" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
requestId | String | The unique identifier for the request. |
return | Boolean | Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
Action: De-register an Image
This action de-registers an image.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Image ID | Enter the image ID. Example: "ami-0eab20fe36f83e1a8" | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-2". | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "image_id": "ami-0eab20fe36f83e1a8", "region_name": "us-east-2" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Response |
requestId | String | The unique identifier associated with the request to deregister the image. |
return | Boolean | Indicates whether the image deregistration was successful. |
Action: Run Instances
This action runs instances using an AMI.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Image ID | Enter the ID of the AMI (Amazon Machine Image). Example: "ami-0148f346905f051c8" | Text | Required | An AMI is required to launch an instance and must be specified here or in a launch template. |
Instance Type | Enter the instance type. Example: "t2.small" | Text | Required | Default value: "m1.small" |
Security Group IDs | Enter one or more security group IDs. Example: $LIST[sg-0f1664aff1e44f3a2] | List | Required | By default, Amazon EC2 uses the default security group. You can retrieve the Security Group ID using Describe Security Groups action. |
Security Group | Enter the names of the security groups. Example: $LIST[samplesecuritygroup] | List | Required | For a non-default VPC, you must use security group IDs instead. |
Subnet ID | Enter the ID of the subnet to launch the instance into. Example: "subnet-b46032ec" | Text | Required | |
Block Device Mappings | Enter one or more block device mapping entries. Example: { 'devicename': "/dev/sdh", 'virtualname': "ephemeral0" } | List | Required | |
Minimum Count | Enter the minimum number of instances to launch. Example: 5 | Integer | Required | If the specified count is higher than the number of instances that amazon ec2 can launch in the target availability zone, then Amazon EC2 launches no instances. |
Maximum Count | Enter the maximum number of instances to launch. Example: 10. | Integer | Required | If the specified count is more than the number of instances that amazon ec2 can launch in the target availability zone, then the largest possible number of instances above the minimum count is launched. |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-1". | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "image_id": "ami-0148f346905f051c8", "instance_type": "t2.small", "security_group_ids": ["sg-0f1664aff1e44f3a2"], "security_groups": ["samplesecuritygroup"], "subnet_id": "subnet-b46032ec", "block_device_mappings": { 'DeviceName': "/dev/sdh", 'VirtualName': "ephemeral0" }, "min_count": "5", "max_count": "10", "region_name": "us-east-1" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Groups | Array | An array containing information about the groups associated with the instance. |
GroupName | String | The name of the group. |
GroupId | String | The ID of the group. |
Instances | Array | An array containing information about the instances. |
AmiLaunchIndex | Number | The AMI launch index. |
ImageId | String | The ID of the AMI. |
InstanceId | String | The ID of the instance. |
InstanceType | String | The type of the instance. Possible values: 'a1.medium', 'a1.large', 'a1.xlarge', ... (too many to list here) |
KernelId | String | The kernel ID. |
KeyName | String | The name of the key pair. |
LaunchTime | Datetime | The time when the instance was launched. |
Monitoring | Object | Information about the monitoring of the instance. |
State | Object | The state of the instance. |
Placement | Object | The placement of the instance. |
Platform | String | The platform of the instance (e.g., Windows). |
PrivateDnsName | String | The private DNS name of the instance. |
PrivateIpAddress | String | The private IP address of the instance. |
ProductCodes | Array | An array containing product codes associated with the instance. |
PublicDnsName | String | The public DNS name of the instance. |
PublicIpAddress | String | The public IP address of the instance. |
RamdiskId | String | The RAM disk ID. |
SubnetId | String | The ID of the subnet. |
VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC. |
Architecture | String | The architecture of the instance. |
BlockDeviceMappings | Array | An array containing block device mappings. |
Action: Fetch Instances
This action retrieves instances.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-2". | Text | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "region_name": "us-east-2" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Reservations | Array | Array of reservations |
Groups | Array | Array of group objects within a reservation |
GroupName | String | Name of the group |
GroupId | String | ID of the group |
Instances | Array | Array of instance objects within a reservation |
AmiLaunchIndex | Number | AMI launch index |
ImageId | String | ID of the image |
InstanceId | String | ID of the instance |
InstanceType | String | Type of the instance (e.g., 'a1.medium', 'c3.large') |
KernelId | String | ID of the kernel |
KeyName | String | Name of the key |
LaunchTime | DateTime | Time when the instance was launched |
Monitoring | Object | Monitoring state of the instance |
Placement | Object | Placement details of the instance |
Platform | String | Platform of the instance (e.g., 'Windows') |
PrivateDnsName | String | Private DNS name of the instance |
PrivateIpAddress | String | Private IP address of the instance |
ProductCodes | Array | Array of product codes associated with the instance |
PublicDnsName | String | Public DNS name of the instance |
PublicIpAddress | String | Public IP address of the instance |
RamdiskId | String | ID of the RAM disk |
State | Object | State of the instance |
StateTransitionReason | String | Reason for the state transition |
SubnetId | String | ID of the subnet |
VpcId | String | ID of the VPC |
Architecture | String | Architecture of the instance (e.g., 'i386') |
GroupName | String | The name of the group. |
GroupId | String | The ID of the group. |
AmiLaunchIndex | Number | The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance's position in the launch order. |
ImageId | String | The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance. |
InstanceId | String | The ID of the instance. |
InstanceType | String | The type of instance, e.g., 'c5.large', 'm5.xlarge', etc. |
KernelId | String | The kernel ID. |
KeyName | String | The name of the key pair, if this instance was launched with an associated key pair. |
LaunchTime | Datetime | The time when the instance was launched. |
Monitoring | Object | The monitoring state for the instance. |
Placement | Object | The placement information for the instance. |
Platform | String | The platform (e.g., Windows) of the instance. |
PrivateDnsName | String | The private DNS name for the instance. |
PrivateIpAddress | String | The private IP address of the instance. |
ProductCodes | Array | The product codes attached to the instance, if any. |
PublicDnsName | String | The public DNS name for the instance. |
PublicIpAddress | String | The public IP address of the instance. |
RamdiskId | String | The RAM disk ID. |
State | Object | The state of the instance. |
StateTransitionReason | String | The reason for the most recent state transition. |
SubnetId | String | The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running. |
VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running. |
Architecture | String | The architecture of the image used to launch the instance. |
BlockDeviceMappings | Array | The block device mappings for the instance. |
Action: Describe Security Groups
This action retrieves and describes the details of all security groups in a region.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-2 | Text | Optional | Default value: "us-east-2" |
Example Request
[ { "region_name": "us-east-2" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
SecurityGroups | Array | A list of security groups. |
SecurityGroups.Description | String | The description of the security group. |
SecurityGroups.GroupName | String | The name of the security group. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions | Array | A list of ingress IP permissions for the security group. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.FromPort | Number | The starting port for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.IpProtocol | String | The IP protocol for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.IpRanges | Array | A list of IP ranges for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.IpRanges.CidrIp | String | The CIDR IP range for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.IpRanges.Description | String | The description of the IP range for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.Ipv6Ranges | Array | A list of IPv6 ranges for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.Ipv6Ranges.CidrIpv6 | String | The CIDR IPv6 range for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.Ipv6Ranges.Description | String | The description of the IPv6 range for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.PrefixListIds | Array | A list of prefix list IDs for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.PrefixListIds.Description | String | The description of the prefix list ID for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.PrefixListIds.PrefixListId | String | The prefix list ID for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.ToPort | Number | The ending port for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs | Array | A list of user ID group pairs for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.Description | String | The description of the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.GroupId | String | The ID of the security group in the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.GroupName | String | The name of the security group in the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.PeeringStatus | String | The peering status of the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.UserId | String | The user ID of the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.VpcId | String | The VPC ID of the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissions.UserIdGroupPairs.VpcPeeringConnectionId | String | The VPC peering connection ID of the user ID group pair for the ingress rule. |
SecurityGroups.OwnerId | String | The ID of the security group owner. |
SecurityGroups.GroupId | String | The ID of the security group. |
SecurityGroups.IpPermissionsEgress | Array | A list of egress IP permissions for the security group. |
NextToken | String | A token to retrieve the next set of results. |
Action: Edit Security Groups
This action edits a security group.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Instance ID | Enter the instance ID. Example: "87655" | Text | Optional | You can retrieve the Instance ID using Fetch Instances action. |
Security Group ID | Enter the security group ID. Example: "sg-51530134" | Text | Optional | You can retrieve the Security Group ID using Describe Security Groups action. |
Example Request
[ { "instance_id": "87655", "security_group_id": "sg-51530134" } ]
Action: Create IPv4 NACL Entry
This action adds an entry IPv4 CIDR into NACL.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
NACL ID | Enter the NACL ID to add the CID. Example: "acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699" | Text | Required | You can retrieve the NACL ID using Action: Describe NACL. |
CIDR Block | Enter the IPv4 CIDR to add. Example: "" | Text | Required | |
Egress | Enter if this addition is egress or not. Example: false | Boolean | Required | |
From Port | Enter the from port for the port range. Example: "22" | Integer | Required | |
To Port | Enter the to port for the port range. Example: "22" | Integer | Required | |
Rule Action | Enter the rule action to perform. Example: "allow" | Text | Required | Allowed values:
Rule number | Enter the number to assign to the rule. Example: 220 | Integer | Required | Rule number is assigned as the unique identifier for the rule and can be referenced to get details about a rule. |
Protocol | Enter the protocol number to assign to the rule. Example: "-1" | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name to use. Example: "us-east-1" | Text | Optional | Default value: "us-west-2" |
Example Request
[ { "egress": false, "nacl_id": "acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699", "to_port": 22, "protocol": "-1", "from_port": 22, "cidr_block": "", "region_name": "us-east-1", "rule_action": "deny", "rule_number": 1008 } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
requestId | String | The unique identifier for the request. |
return | Boolean | Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
Action: Create IPv6 NACL Entry
This action can be used to add an entry ipv6 cidr into nacl
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
NACL ID | Enter the NACL ID to add the CIDR entry. Example: "acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699" | Text | Required | You can retrieve the NACL ID using Action: Describe NACL. |
CIDR Block | Enter the IPv6 CIDR to add. Example: "2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64" | Text | Required | |
Egress | Enter if this addition is egress or not. Example: true | Boolean | Required | Allowed values:
From Port | Enter the from port for the port range. Example: 22 | Integer | Required | |
To Port | Enter the to port for the port range. Example: 22 | Integer | Required | |
Rule Action | Enter the rule action to perform. Example: allow | Text | Required | Allowed values:
Rule Number | Enter the number to assign to the rule. 220 | Integer | Required | Rule number is assigned as the unique identifier for the rule and can be referenced to get details about a rule |
Protocol | Enter the protocol number to assign to the rule. Example: -1 | Text | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name to use. Example: "us-east-1" | Text | Required | Default value:us-west-2 |
ICMP Code | Enter the ICMP code value to use. Example: 3 | Integer | Required | |
ICMP Type | Enter the ICMP type to use. Example: 3 | Integer | Optional |
Example Request
[ { "egress": false, "nacl_id": "acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699", "to_port": 22, "protocol": "TCP", "from_port": 22, "cidr_block": "2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64", "region_name": "us-east-1", "rule_action": "block", "rule_number": 1008, "icmp_code": 3 } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
requestId | String | The unique identifier for the request. |
return | Boolean | Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
Action: Delete Network ACL Entry
This action deletes an NACL (Network Access Control List) entry.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
NACL ID | Enter the NACL ID for which the NACL entry needs to be deleted. Example: "acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699" | Text | Required | You can retrieve the NACL ID using Action: Describe NACL. |
Egress | Enter if the NACL entry is egress or not. Example: true | Boolean | Required | Allowed values:
Rule entry | Enter the rule number of NACL entry to delete. Example: 100 | Integer | Required | |
Region name | Enter the region name to use. Example: "us-west-2" | Text | Optional | Default value: us-west-2 |
Example Request
[ { "nacl_id": "acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699", "egress": "false", "rule_number": "100", "region_name": "us-east-1" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
requestId | String | The unique identifier for the request. |
return | Boolean | Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
Action: Describe NACL
This action describes one or more NACLs (Network Access Control Lists).
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
NACL ID List | Enter a list of NACL IDs to retrieve a description. Example: $LIST[acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699, acl-0bfb1c7d3xx2fe699] | List | Required | |
Region Name | Enter the region name. Example: "us-east-1" | Text | Optional | Default value: us-west-2 |
Example Request
[ { "nacl_id_list": ["acl-0bfb1c7d3af2fe699", "acl-0bfb1c7d3xx2fe699"], "region_name": "us-east-1" } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
NetworkAcls | Array | A list of network ACLs associated with the VPC. |
NetworkAcls.Associations | Array | A list of associations between network ACLs and subnets. |
NetworkAcls.Associations.NetworkAclAssociationId | String | The ID of the network ACL association. |
NetworkAcls.Associations.NetworkAclId | String | The ID of the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.Associations.SubnetId | String | The ID of the subnet associated with the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.Entries | Array | A list of entries in the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.CidrBlock | String | The CIDR block associated with the network ACL entry. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.Egress | Boolean | Indicates whether the entry applies to egress traffic. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.IcmpTypeCode | Object | The ICMP type and code for ICMP traffic. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.Ipv6CidrBlock | String | The IPv6 CIDR block associated with the network ACL entry. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.PortRange | Object | The port range for the TCP or UDP traffic. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.Protocol | String | The protocol associated with the ACL entry. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.RuleAction | String | The action associated with the network ACL entry. |
NetworkAcls.Entries.RuleNumber | Number | The rule number of the entry. |
NetworkAcls.IsDefault | Boolean | Indicates whether this is the default network ACL for the VPC. |
NetworkAcls.NetworkAclId | String | The ID of the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.Tags | Array | A list of tags associated with the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.Tags.Key | String | The key of a tag associated with the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.Tags.Value | String | The value of a tag associated with the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC associated with the network ACL. |
NetworkAcls.OwnerId | String | The ID of the AWS account that owns the network ACL. |
NextToken | String | A token to retrieve the next set of results. |
Action: Get Instance Details
The action retrieves the details of an EC2 instance.
Action Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Field Type | Required/Optional | Comments |
Filters | Enter the filters to retrieve specific details of an instance. Example: $JSON[{'Name':'affinity','Values':['host']}] | List | Optional | For more information on supported filters, see Filters. |
Instance IDs | Enter the instance IDs to retrieve the details. Example: $LIST[i-1234567890abcdef0, i-7246567890abcdef0] | List | Optional | |
Region Name | Enter the region name where the EC2 Instances are located. Example: us\u2011west\u20112 | Text | Optional | Default value: us\u2011west\u20112 |
Example Request
[ { "filters": [ { "Name": "affinity", "Values": [ "host" ] } ] } ]
Action Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
{app_instance} | Object | This parameter indicates the ID of the app instance configured in Orchestrate from which the response is retrieved. |
app_instance.response | Object | Contains the details of the response. |
app_instance.response.Reservations | Array | A list of reservations containing one or more instances and its details. |
app_instance.response.ResponseMetadata | Object | Metadata about the response. Example: {"HTTPStatusCode": 200, "RequestId": "2260eaee-df71-453b-8865-62fa4870d3f8"} |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Groups | Array | The groups associated with the instance. |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances | Array | A list of instances launched as part of the reservation. |
app_instance.response.Instances.AmiLaunchIndex | Integer | The launch index of the instance within the reservation. Example: 0 |
app_instance.response.Instances.Architecture | String | The architecture of the instance. Example: "x86_64" |
app_instance.response.Instances.BlockDeviceMappings | Array | Information about the block device mappings of the instance such as device name, and EBS details. |
app_instance.response.Instances.BootMode | String | The boot mode of the instance. Example: "uefi-preferred" |
app_instance.response.Instances.CapacityReservationSpecification | Object | Information about the capacity reservation specification for the instance. Example: {"CapacityReservationPreference": "open"} |
app_instance.response.Instances.ClientToken | String | The token provided when launching the instance. Example: "4f9d5839-292e-4728-bbdc-54a325503d7b" |
app_instance.response.Instances.CpuOptions | Object | Information about the CPU options for the instance. Example: {"CoreCount": 1, "ThreadsPerCore": 1} |
app_instance.response.Instances.EbsOptimized | Boolean | Indicates whether the instance is EBS optimized. Example: false |
app_instance.response.Instances.EnaSupport | Boolean | Indicates whether ENA (Elastic Network Adapter) is supported for the instance. Example: true |
app_instance.response.Instances.EnclaveOptions | Object | Information about the enclave options for the instance. Example: {"Enabled": false} |
app_instance.response.Instances.HibernationOptions | Object | Information about the hibernation options for the instance. Example: {"Configured": false} |
app_instance.response.Instances.Hypervisor | String | The hypervisor type of the instance. Example: "xen" |
app_instance.response.Instances.ImageId | String | The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance. Example: "ami-0cc9838aa7ab1dce7" |
app_instance.response.Instances.InstanceId | String | The unique identifier for the instance. Example: "i-06c28527ecfa285eb" |
app_instance.response.Instances.InstanceType | String | The type of the instance. Example: "t2.micro" |
app_instance.response.Instances.LaunchTime | String | The time when the instance was launched. Example: "2024-05-21T06:52:28Z" |
app_instance.response.Instances.MetadataOptions | Object | Information about the metadata options for the instance. Example: {"HttpEndpoint": "enabled", ...} |
app_instance.response.Instances.Monitoring | Object | Information about the monitoring state for the instance. Example: {"State": "disabled"} |
app_instance.response.Instances.NetworkInterfaces | Array | A list of network interfaces for the instance. Example: [{"PrivateIpAddress": "", ...}] |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.Placement | Object | Information about the placement of the instance. |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.PlatformDetails | String | Details about the platform running on the instance. Example: "Linux/UNIX" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.PrivateDnsName | String | The private DNS name of the instance. Example: "ip-1xx-3x-3-2x3.ap-south-1.compute.internal" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.PrivateIpAddress | String | The private IP address of the instance. Example: "172.3x.x.2x3" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.ProductCodes | Array | Product codes associated with the instance. |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.PublicDnsName | String | The public DNS name of the instance. Example: "" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.PublicIpAddress | String | The public IP address of the instance. Example: "" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.RootDeviceName | String | The device name of the root device for the instance. Example: "/dev/xvda" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.RootDeviceType | String | The root device type used by the instance. Example: "ebs" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.SecurityGroups | Array | The security groups associated with the instance. Example: [{"GroupId": "sg-0ca47d4467b3b3df6", "GroupName": "launch-wizard-6"}] |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.State | Object | The current state of the instance. Contains code and name attributes. |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.SubnetId | String | The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running. Example: "subnet-05e72f5ef42846341" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.Tags | Array | The tags associated with the instance. Example: [{"Key": "Name", "Value": "sample_instance"}] |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.UsageOperation | String | The operation used to launch the instance. Example: "RunInstances" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.VirtualizationType | String | The virtualization type of the instance. Example: "hvm" |
app_instance.response.Reservations.Instances.VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running. Example: "vpc-0b0537930197a0c24" |
app_instance.response.ResponseMetadata | Object | Metadata pertaining to the HTTP response. |