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Cyware Orchestrate

Run Logs

Run logs help you analyze the execution details of a playbook and the run details for each node that is defined in the playbook. This is helpful for debugging purposes. For example, if a playbook execution fails, you can view the playbook's run log to see the exact node at which it failed. Each run log is identified by its 12-digit unique ID. For example, RL6e5daa85-0

Run logs are used by analysts to:

  • Analyze the overall status (For example, success, error, and more) of the Playbook executions.

  • View the execution time of each node to analyze and optimize node performance.

  • View details of the execution of individual nodes.

  • View the inputs and output of each node.

  • View errors at a node level.

  • View details of the Playbook execution such as run duration, and the date and time of the Playbook’s latest execution.

View Run Logs

You can view the run logs for Playbooks by navigating to Main Menu > Playbooks > Run Logs. To view run logs, ensure that you have the View Run Logs permission.


By default, run logs of the current day are displayed.

Run logs display the following information:

  • Run Log ID: A 12-digit unique ID to identify a run log. For example, RL6e5daa85-0

  • Playbook and Node Run Status: The run status of a Playbook and Playbook node. For more information on the run statuses, see Playbook Run Status

  • Run By: The user, scheduler, Playbook, or event that has run the Playbook. For example, John Doe

  • Run Time: The run time of the Playbook in seconds.

  • Run On: The date and time of the Playbook run. For example, Jan 16, 2023 03:28 PM

  • Sub-Playbooks Run Logs: Click the run logs count to navigate to the run logs of the sub-playbooks.

  • Node Input and Output Values: Click I/O and select a node to view the node input and output values. The input and output preview displays data up to 4 MB. You can click More > Download to download the complete data up to 64 MB for offline analysis.


    You cannot download the output data of the following nodes. However, you can preview the complete node output of up to 64 MB.

    • Playbook nodes

    • App action nodes that are Cyware Agent compatible

  • Node Run Time: Displays the run time of each Playbook node in seconds to analyze and optimize node performance. This also helps in identifying nodes that are taking additional time to execute and potentially causing delays in the Playbook's performance.

You can choose the view for the input and the output values as either a JSON format or a table view. You can also copy the input or output values by clicking either Copy Input or Copy Output. Once copied, the values can be used in defining the input parameter for any other node in a Playbook.

View Sub-playbook Run Logs


This feature is available in Orchestrate from the release version v3.5.0 and later.

You can view the associated run logs of sub-playbooks in one of the following ways:

  • Run Log Details Screen: You can navigate to the required run log and click the count of Sub-playbooks Run Logs available on the right side of the screen. 

    The associated sub-playbooks count is not displayed in the following scenarios:

    •  Sub-playbook node is not executed successfully.

    • Sub-playbooks are not present in a playbook.

  • Sub-playbook Node: To view the sub-playbook run logs, do the following:

    1. Go to the sub-playbook node in the master playbook run logs. 

    2. Hover on the sub-playbook node and click View Run Logs.  

Playbook Run Status

The run logs display the overall run status depending on the execution of the Playbooks.

  • Success: Displays Success status if the Playbook has successfully performed the defined actions and produced the output.

  • Partial Success: Displays PartialSuccess status if the user has not configured Abort Playbook if this Action Fails for any of the Playbook nodes, and the Playbook execution has interrupted in an intermediate node. To rerun a Playbook from Run Logs, see Rerun Playbooks from Run Logs.

  • Error: Displays Error status if the Playbook has failed to execute the configured workflow. This condition occurs when the nodes cannot exchange the configured input or output data. To rerun a Playbook from Run Logs, see Rerun Playbooks from Run Logs.

  • On Hold: Displays On Hold status if the Playbook is waiting for the user to manually input data. This condition occurs only for Playbooks configured with manual input actions.

  • Waiting: Displays Waiting status if a particular node is yet to complete execution despite the completion of the Playbook workflow. This condition occurs when a node is configured to Run Asynchronously independent of the Playbook workflow. For example, Sub-Playbooks can be configured in the node of a parent Playbook to run asynchronously.

  • In Progress: Displays In Progress status if the Playbook workflow is in progress and yet to be completed.

  • System Error: Displays SystemError status if the Playbook workflow could not execute due to failure of multiple functions in the defined workflow. To rerun a Playbook from Run Logs, see Rerun Playbooks from Run Logs.

  • Terminated: Displays Terminated status if the Playbook workflow is manually terminated or stopped while execution. A terminated Playbook will skip the remaining nodes in the Playbook workflow and stop the execution.

  • In Queue: Displays In Queue status if the Playbook is waiting for other tasks to be completed. Once the preceding tasks are completed the Playbook status will change to In Progress status.

Supported Actions for Run Logs

  • You can sort the run logs based on Playbooks latest execution time, run activity, and run duration.

  • You can filter and view specific run logs as per your requirement. You can also save the filter and reuse it by clicking Save Filter.

  • You can clear out the applied filters by clicking the cross icon or Clear All in the Filters view.

  • You can use the following filters to view specific run logs:

    • Quick Filters: Filter based on its activation (Active or Inactive) status.

    • Playbook Run Status: Filter based on the overall execution status (Example: success, partial success, error, and more) of Playbooks.

    • Playbook Status: Filter based on its activation (Active or Inactive) status.

    • Sub-Playbook Run Logs: Choose the preference to include or exclude the run logs of sub-Playbooks.

    • Playbook: Filter based on Playbook name.

    • Apps: Filter based on the app name.

    • Action: Filter based on app action names.

    • Run by User: Filter based on the user who has executed the Playbook.

    • Playbook Type: Filter based on the schedule type of Playbooks.

    • Date Range of Run: Filter run logs by one of the following criteria:

      • Current Day: Filters the run logs of the current day. This is the default selection.

      • Last Week: Filters the run logs for the last 7 days.

      • Last Month: Filters the run logs for the last 31 days.

      • Last Year: Filters the run logs for the last 365 days.

      • Custom Date Range: Filters the run logs based on the selected date range.