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Cyware Orchestrate

Configure LDAP as the Authentication Method

You can use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory services to authenticate users to access Cyware applications. This authentication method requires users to provide a valid username and password combination as configured in the LDAP directory to sign in to the application.


Users with active accounts in User Management can sign in using their LDAP credentials. For more information, see Create User.

Before you Start

Ensure that the application servers have active network connectivity with the LDAP server.


To configure the LDAP authentication method, do the following:

  1. Go to Admin Panel > Configuration > Authentication.

  2. Select LDAP and click Edit at the top-right corner.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Domain Name: Enter the domain name of the LDAP server database. For example,

    • Server IP/Domain: Enter the IP address or URL of the LDAP server database. For example,

    • Port: Enter the port number of the LDAP server to connect to the database. For example, 389.

    • Domain Controller: Enter the details for the LDAP domain name. These details are provided by the LDAP admin of your organization. For example, com.

    • SSL encrypted: Enable this option to encrypt the application connection with the LDAP server.

    • Two-Factor Authentication: Enable this option to authenticate the users using the LDAP credentials and a One-Time-Password (OTP). Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection from accessing the applications. Select one of the following two-factor authentication types:

      • Email: Requires an OTP that is sent to the email ID of the user to authenticate.

      • OTP Expiration Time: Requires an OTP from an authenticator application to authenticate. Users must configure a TOTP authentication application from the sign-in page, such as Google Authenticator and Okta.

  4. Click Save.