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Cyware Orchestrate

Filter Playbooks

You can filter Playbooks from the Manage Playbooks listing page. After applying a filter, you can click SaveFilter to save a specific filter or a list of all selected filters. You can choose to create a new filter or overwrite an existing saved filter. Once saved, the saved filter can be applied anytime later.

You can filter the Playbooks listing based on the following filter criteria:

  • Quick Filters: Click Active or Inactive status for a quick filter view of the Playbooks based on the status.

  • Schedule: Filter Playbooks based on the Playbooks which are scheduled for execution or the Playbooks which have not been scheduled.

  • Bookmark Status: Filter Playbooks based on the Playbooks bookmarked to be followed or the ones which have not been bookmarked.

  • Created By: Filter Playbooks based on specific creators of Playbooks.

  • Label: Filter Playbooks based on the labels.

  • Apps: Filter Playbooks based on the Playbooks that are associated with the selected apps.

  • Actions: Filter Playbooks based on the app actions that are part of a Playbook.

  • Status: Filter Playbooks based on the Active or Inactive Playbooks. If you have selected the Active/Inactive status as a Quick Filter, the corresponding status is auto-selected here.

  • Updated Range: Filter Playbooks on the created/modified date based on:

    • Last Week

    • Last Month

    • Last Year

    • Custom (specific date range)


To apply filters to playbooks, follow these steps.

  1. Click the main menu icon on the left sidebar, and go to Playbooks > Manage Playbooks.

  2. Click Show Filters.

  3. Select the filtering options.

The Playbooks that satisfy the chosen filters will be displayed.