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Cyware Orchestrate

Clone Playbooks

Cloning a playbook creates a copy of the playbook. This is helpful when you want to update an existing playbook for an enhancement or test the impact of removing the node. You can clone the playbook present in My Playbooks. This creates a copy of the playbook and you can make modifications to it without affecting the original playbook.


You can clone only active playbooks. If a playbook includes associated Sub-Playbooks, then on cloning the main playbook, the Sub-Playbooks will not get cloned.


To clone a playbook, follow these steps:

  1. Click the main menu icon on the left sidebar, and go to Playbooks > Manage Playbooks.

  2. Open an existing playbook, and click the ellipsis icon on the top right.

  3. Select Clone.

    After the playbook is successfully cloned, a copy of the selected playbook is saved with the clone timestamp appended to the name. You can further change the name of the cloned playbook by opening it and editing its Name field by clicking Overview.