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Cyware Orchestrate


You can view and download the following reports from the analytics dashboard:


The timestamps on the dashboard are displayed in the UTC timezone.

Playbook Execution Timeline: Depicts the number of times Playbooks were executed between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format, Line Graph, or Pie Chart format

  • Download the graph or chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Used Playbooks: Depicts the top 10 frequently used Playbooks between a selected date range. The visualization does not include Sub-Playbooks.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Playbook Execution Time (On Average): Depicts the average time taken by a Playbook to complete an execution between a selected date range. The top ten results are displayed.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Used Instances: Depicts the top 10 Instances that are frequently used in Playbook Nodes between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Used Apps: Depicts the top 10 Apps that are frequently used in Playbook Nodes between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Used Actions: Depicts the top 10 Actions that are frequently used in Playbook Nodes between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Executed Actions: Depicts the top 10 Actions that are frequently executed in Playbook Nodes between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Utilized Apps: Depicts the top 10 Apps that are frequently utilized in Playbook Nodes between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Frequently Utilized Instances: Depicts the top 10 Instances that are frequently utilized in Playbook Nodes between a selected date range.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Total Event Count: Depicts the total number of manual and automatic Events created between a selected date range when a Playbook is run in CSOL.

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the bar graph or pie chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Incoming Source Events: Depicts the incoming Source Events from configured “Event Source App” between a selected date range. For Events that do not have App configuration, metrics will be shown as "None".

Users can choose to:

  • View the information either in Bar Graph format or Pie Chart format

  • Download the Bar Graph/Pie Chart in PNG format

  • Exclude data of specific days by clicking the respective date on the right-hand side

Percentage of Unutilized Events: Depicts the percentage of Events that did not trigger any Playbook between a selected date range. Users can download the pie chart in PNG format

Percentage of Events that Cause Playbook Execution Error: Shows the percentage of Events that caused Error/System Error during Playbook execution between a selected date range. Users can download the pie chart in PNG format