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Cyware Orchestrate


App Vendor: OpenPhish

App Category: Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence

Connector Version: 1.0.0

API Version: v1.0.0

About App

OpenPhish is a fully automated self-contained platform for phishing intelligence. It identifies phishing sites and performs intelligence analysis in real time without human intervention and without using any external resources, such as blacklists.

The OpenPhish app is configured with the Orchestrate application to perform the following actions:

Action Name


Check a URL

This action checks if a URL is malicious by checking the OpenPhish application.

Fetch Latest Threat Intel Feeds

This action fetches the latest threat intel feeds from the OpenPhish application.

Fetch Threat Intel Feeds

This action fetches all of the threat intel feeds from the OpenPhish application.

Configuration Parameters

The OpenPhish app does not require any configuration parameter to communicate with the OpenPhish application.

Action: Check a URL

This action checks if a URL is malicious by checking the OpenPhish application.

Action Input Parameters



Field Type




Enter the URL you want to check on the OpenPhish application.





Example Request
        "url": ""
Action: Fetch Latest Threat Intel Feeds

This action fetches the latest threat intel feeds from the OpenPhish application.

Action Input Parameters

This action does not require any input parameter.

Action: Fetch Threat Intel Feeds

This action fetches all of the threat intel feeds from the OpenPhish application.

Action Input Parameters

This action does not require any input parameter.